My Swisscom bill

On this page:
Check your bill online, adjust the payment or billing method and query unusual bill amounts.

View bill online

In My Swisscom, you can view paid, pending and overdue bills.

Adjust billing method

To save on fees, we recommend that you pay your bill online - the easiest way to do this is via eBill(opens in new tab). You can choose your payment and billing method in My Swisscom.

Bill not received

You will usually receive your bill around the middle of the month by e-mail or post. You can view your new bill in My Swisscom (web or app) from the 6th of the month.

Bill by e-mail

As soon as your Swisscom bill is available, you will receive a notification by e-mail, but without a PDF bill and payment information in the attachment. Swisscom does this for security reasons. There has been an increase in counterfeit bills from fraudsters. If you still want to receive the bill as a PDF by e-mail, you can adjust this in My Swisscom settings under ‘Bills & costs’.

Bill amount and fees

Possible reasons for an unusual bill amount include:

Did you change your subscription before the end of the month? The bill amount includes the cost of your old and new subscriptions. The costs are charged pro rata for the number of subscription days.

  • Payment reminder: If you fail to pay your bill on time after the initial free reminder, you will be charged a reminder fee. The fee per reminder is CHF 30.-.
  • Unblock phone: If your phone needs to be unblocked, Swisscom charges an unblocking fee of CHF 40.– on the subsequent monthly bill.
  • Payment at a Swiss Post counter/Swisscom Shop: You will be charged a flat rate of CHF 3.90 every time you pay your bill at a Swiss Post counter or CHF 6.90 at a Swisscom Shop. Adjust your settings in My Swisscom and switch to a free payment option (DD, electronic billing etc.). 

The bills for your Swisscom products have been merged and you will receive a single bill for all your Swisscom products. This allows you to keep track of your costs and reduce administrative effort. Contact us if you are not yet benefiting from collective billing or still want a separate bill.

Have you paid for apps, music, tickets or snacks from Selecta vending machines using your mobile bill? These purchases will be listed on your bill. You also pay for value-added services (e.g. 0900 numbers, games or ring tones) through your Swisscom bill.

Find out more

You have taken out your subscription using a promotion or received a regular credit and the promotional period has now expired.

Unpaid amounts under CHF 50 can be carried over to the next bill.

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