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Family, flat share, or couple – permanent 50% discount starting from the 2nd blue Mobile subscription in the same household.
Already have a mobile subscription? Order a mobile subscription for another person in your household and save.
How to receive the «We are Family!» discount:
If there are multiple blue Mobile subscriptions in the same household, you will receive a 50% discount on the 2nd through 5th blue Mobile subscription each month. For these blue Mobile subscriptions, you resolve any issues that arise on the My Swisscom App and
You benefit from the Combi Discount (formerly blue Benefit) if you combine blue Internet and blue Mobile. This discount provides a monthly saving of CHF 20.– on the first blue Mobile subscription in the household. With the «We are Family!» discount, you will save if you have multiple blue Mobile subscriptions in the same household. Every month, you will receive a 50% discount on the second to fifth subscription. You also agree not to call the hotline or visit the Shop should you require assistance.
You can apply both discounts to up to 5 blue Mobile subscriptions in the same household.
If you combine both discounts, you will receive a CHF 20.– discount on the first blue Mobile subscription and a 50% «We are Family!» discount on every additional blue Mobile subscription in the household.
You can combine the following blue mobile subscriptions to benefit from the discount:
1st subscription – no discount
2nd to 5th subscription – 50% discount
The procedure varies depending on whether there is another person in your household who already has a blue Mobile subscription:
Yes. In this case, you will receive a CHF 20.– Combi discount (formerly blue Benefit) on the first Mobile subscription and a 50% «We are Family!» discount on the 2nd to 5th blue Mobile subscription in the household.
The «We are Family!» discount is valid as long as the subscriptions meet the requirements.