Michel Lapiccirella

When I was 18, I found it difficult to join the breakdance circle, where the dancers take it in turns to perform. But it was worth it: in the dance circle, I learned to prove myself time and time again. This attitude has also helped me in my career development, from my first summer job on the Swisscom hotline to becoming Lead Digital Signing. Today, I’m responsible for ensuring that electronic documents can be digitally signed securely.

In my spare time, I teach breakdancing to children in Locarno – including my own two. I also use agile methods for this, which I learnt through the “Agile Leadership” CAS from Swisscom and the HWZ. We recently prioritised the moves for a big performance using a Kanban board. This unusual approach made the children's development visible and motivated them.

Michel Lapiccirella

Value Stream Lead Digital Signing

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