All IP
All IP is the technology behind a universal network (copper and fibre optics) based on the Internet Protocol (IP). All IP means that all services, such as TV, Internet or even fixed network telephones, run on the same IT network. Telephone calls are transferred in data packets instead of analogue signals, as is already the case for Internet services. Thanks to the universal All IP network, devices and services communicate with each other and share data. In the medium to long term, Swisscom is migrating all existing communication networks to IP so that it can provide all telecommunications services (telephony, data transmission, TV, mobile telephony etc.) across IP. With all the IP services within Switzerland running on Swisscom's own network, it guarantees higher security and availability than other voice service providers on the World Wide Web.
The bandwidth indicates the transmission capacity of a medium, also known as the download speed. The higher the bandwidth, the more information units (bits) that can be transferred per unit of time (seconds) (bit/s, kbit/s, Mbit/s).
DSL + LTE Bonding
DSL + LTE Bonding bundles the bandwidths of fixed and mobile networks to produce higher speeds for customers. Swisscom has also developed an Internet receiver for 4G (LTE) mobile telephony known as the Internet Booster. This boosts the Internet speed of copper lines with fast 4G mobile Internet, increasing Internet speeds by up to 50 Mbit/s for residential customers, depending on package.
DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)
DSL is the generic term for the transmission technology via subscriber access lines that are made completely or partially from copper. Examples of DSL technologies are ADSL or VDSL.
FTTB – Fibre to the Building
With this technology, fibre-optic cables are installed up to the building. Bandwidths of up to 100 Mbit/s can be used currently. FTTB is mainly used in larger apartment blocks.
FTTC – Fibre to the Curb
For FTTC, Swisscom installs the fibre-optic cables up to the distributor (local exchange or neighbourhood distribution box). Bandwidths of up to 100 Mbit/s can be used currently.
FTTH – Fibre to the Home
FTTH is the end-to-end provision of fibre-optic cable for apartments and businesses instead of traditional copper cable. Swisscom supplies private households with FTTH fibre optics, offering bandwidths of up to 10 Gbit/s.
FTTS – Fibre to the Street
FTTS brings fibre optics to 220 metres from customer homes, taking ultra-fast broadband across the regions. This technology can then be expanded to FTTH. Bandwidths of up to 500 Mbit/s can be used currently. is a new transmission processes that significantly increases the bandwidths on copper lines compared to VDSL using higher frequencies. With, up to 500 Mbit/s is possible for FTTS/B; the exact capacity depends on the length and type of cable.
Fibre optics
Fibre-optic cables allow optical data transmission, in contrast to copper cables which use electrical signals to transmit data.
IP (Internet-Protokoll)
IP offers the option of integrating various services into a network: Typical applications are virtual private networks (VPN), telephony (Voice over IP) and faxing (Fax over IP).
PWLAN – Public Wireless Local Area Network
PWLAN is a wireless, local open network. Typical data transfer speeds in PWLAN networks are 5–10 Mbit/s.
Ultra broadband
Ultra broadband represents bandwidths of over 50 Mbit/s – both on the fixed and mobile network.
VDSL (Very High Speed Digital Subscriber Line)
VDSL broadband technology is the fastest DSL technology at present. It provides transfer speeds of up to 100 Mbit/s. VDSL2 is the latest version of VDSL.
VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)
VoIP produces telephone lines via the Internet.
Vectoring is a technology used in connection with VDSL2 to eliminate copper-wire interference. It is used to maximise transmission speed (permitting up to a two-fold increase).
WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network)
WLAN is a local wireless radio network. A WLAN links several computers wirelessly with a central information system, a printer or a scanner.