With an annual investment of around 1.7 billion, Swisscom will enable almost the entire population of Switzerland to access the fibre optic network by 2035. This will also allow the copper network to be switched off and electricity consumption to be significantly reduced. Swisscom will ensure coverage for a small number of customers outside residential areas with state-of-the-art, high-performance mobile and satellite technologies.
Again and again.
We want everybody to be ready to use the opportunities of tomorrow.
Bandwidths in the gigabit range will enable the entire Swiss population in the future to use the highest quality, state-of-the-art digital services at home. To achieve this, Swisscom is modernising its existing fixed and mobile network infrastructure in all Swiss municipalities. By 2035, almost the entire population will have access to the fibre optic network.
2024: ≈ 50%
2025: ≈ 57%
2030: ≈ 75 – 80%
Status and goal of Swisscom’s fibre optic network expansion to the number of households and businesses in Switzerland.
Swisscom hat mit den Glasfaserausbau im Jahre xx begonnen, in den vergangenen Jahren hat Swisscom die ganze Schweiz mit verschiedenen Glasfasertechnologien erschlossen, damit viele Kundinnen und Kunden bereits von höheren Geschwindigkeiten profitieren können. Nun baut Swisscom die Schweiz weiter mit FTTH (Fibre to the Home) aus. Kleines FAQ, was es bis anhin für Technologien gab. FTTH, FTTX, FTTB, FTTS, FTTO, FTTC…
Here you can find out what speed is currently available at your address. Speed data in your municipality and at your address may vary. The reason for this is explained under “Frequently Asked Questions”.
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After around 150 years, the copper era is coming to an end.
To ensure the swift rollout of our fibre network, we have partnered with four construction firms. And, in many municipalities, we are also collaborating with local businesses such as electricity suppliers and cable network operators.
Swisscom is installing Fibre to the Home (FTTH) across Switzerland to increase fibre coverage to around 57% by the end of 2025 and to between 75 and 80% of homes and offices by the end of 2030.
Are you a public authority member with questions about network expansion in your municipality? Contact Swisscom, we will be happy to advise you.
Legal information
Unless otherwise specified, the speed data on this website indicates the download rate.
The status “expanded” means that the majority of the households are connected (homes and offices). Additional households may be connected at a later date.
Internet speeds within a municipality may vary due to different fibre-optic technologies or expansion areas.
Swisscom makes every effort to ensure that the availability check is correct. However, Swisscom cannot guarantee that the information provided about network expansion is up-to-date, correct or complete.
Communities as per: 1 January 2023