Organisation and structure

Swisscom Ltd, a company governed by Swiss law and headquartered in Ittigen (the canton of Bern, Switzerland), is the holding company which, with a share capital of CHF 52 million, is responsible for the strategic and financial management of the Swisscom Group.

Organisational chart

Interactive organisational chart of the Swisscom operational Group structure. The company is composed of the Board of Directors, CEO, business and group divisions and group companies.

The company structure in detail (224 KB)(opens in new tab)


The Switzerland operating division comprises the customer segments Residential Customers, Business Customers and Wholesale, along with the Infrastructure & Support Functions business division. The Group will continue to include the Italy operating division (Fastweb + Vodafone) and Group Companies such as Swisscom Real Estate Ltd.

Business performance by segment

Group structure 

Material changes 2024

With the exception of the acquisition of Vodafone Italia, the other acquisitions and disposals of subsidiaries in 2024 are not material. In March 2024, Swisscom signed a sales agreement with Vodafone Group Plc regarding the takeover of 100% of Vodafone Italia for a purchase price of EUR 8.0 billion. The transaction was completed on 31 December 2024. Vodafone Italia will be merged with the Swisscom subsidiary Fastweb at a later date.

02.01.2025 Swisscom completes acquisition of Vodafone Italia

13.11.2024 Italian Authority for Communications clears transaction

24.09.2024 EU Commission clears transaction under the Foreign Subsidies Regulation

13.08.2024 Swisscom submits formal notification to the Italian Competition Authority

15.03.2024 Swisscom to acquire Vodafone Italia, creating a leading converged challenger in Italy

07.03.2024 Swisscom acquires majority shareholding in open-source specialist Camptocamp