Pronti per nuove idee

Entra in un mondo di innovazioni e trend IT. Anche tu puoi costruire il domani: se vuoi scoprire come, partecipa ai nostri eventi per conoscere meglio noi e Swisscom come datore di lavoro.

Ciò che tu fai, è ciò che siamo.

I prossimi eventi


Voxxed Days, Ticino

In 2024 there were more than 400 attendees at VDT. In 2025 we will have our 10th edition at Palazzo dei Congressi in Lugano. You will have the chance to share knowledge and learn about some fascinating new ideas from the best international speakers.

 Palazzo dei Congressi, Lugano

Gli ultimi eventi



Two exciting topics, three very experienced speakers and much networking opportunity. We are very much looking forward to the next DevWednesday. Here's what's planned for the evening:

  • Crafting DevOps: How Agile unlocks a streamlinde Organizations (by Laetitia & Edwige)
  • Oops - I Developed It Again: A Survivor's Guide to Continuos Development (by Maciej Jedrzejewski)

 Zürich, Turbinenstrasse 30, Swisscom Business Campus

​ Registrati e Scopri di più

22. Oktober 2024

Swiss Cyber Storm

Swiss Cyber Storm is the long established security conference setting the IT security agenda for Switzerland.

 Kursaal Bern

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16. Oktober 2024

Girls Getting Started

Gestalte deinen Weg! Lebens- und Karrierepfade in der Techbranche

 Swisscom Office, Bern

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8. Oktober 2024

Swisscom TechTalk - Security

Hier treffen Expert*innen aufeinander, tauschen sich über die neusten Technologischen Fortschritte aus und netzwerken zusammen. Diesmal erwarten euch zwei sehr inspirierende Talks von Marcus Dahlén, Ex CEO & ex CISO at Swisscom Outpost und Oliver Stampfli, Head of Cyber Defence Engineering.

 Swisscom Business Campus, Zürich

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27. / 28. September 2024

We Tech Together

Nimm an der grössten Konferenz teil, welche Female Tech Communities, Unternehmen zusammenbringt und für zwei Tage Empowerment, Engagement und das Zelebrieren von Diversity in Tech feiert.

 Technopark Zürich

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Bei einem gemütlichen Feierabenddrink erfährst du spannende Insights bei folgenden Sessions:

  • Infrastructure as Code in the Cloud (by Cristian Bressi | Swisscom)
  • Network rollout automation challenges (by Tomasz Chmielewski | Swisscom)

 Zürich, Maschinenstrasse 10, Swisscom

​ Anmeldung & mehr erfahren

6. / 7. Juni 2024


Area41 attracts a diverse crowd of information security professionals, technical managers, as well as students and enthusiasts interested in the field.

 Komplex457 Zürich

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Nel contesto delle "Giornate nazionali dell'azione per i diritti delle persone disabili", Swisscom organizza un evento online. Scopri come Swisscom si impegna attivamente per la diversità, l'uguaglianza e l'inclusione, nonché il benessere dei dipendenti interessati all'interno della nostra azienda e l'apertura dei loro superiori nei loro confronti.


​ Mehr erfahren


Cloud Native Bern Meetup

Am 30. Mai 2024 dürfen wir euch zu einem weiteren Cloud Native Meetup in Bern begrüssen. Es erwarten uns bei Swisscom an der in der Genfergasse in Bern spannende Talks.

 Swisscom, Genfergasse 14, Bern

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16. - 17.04.2024

DevOpsDays Zürich

DevOpsDays Zurich is a single track, english language conference with various formats like workshops with hands-on sessions in a classrom setting, 30min talks and open spaces where we have our booth.

Alte Kaserne Winterthur

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Voxxed Days 2023 Ticino

We are excited to be back and collect another success for Voxxed Days Ticino. After the big return for VDT last year, also the 2024 edition will be highlighted by a big return to the Palazzo dei Congressi in Lugano. You will have the chance to share knowledge and learn about some fascinating new ideas from the best international speakers.

palazzo die Congressi, Lugano

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I prossimi eventi


VIS Kontaktparty

Die VIS Kontaktparty ist die grösste akademische IT-Recruitingmesse der Schweiz und primär auf Studierende und Absolventen des Departements Informatik der ETH Zürich ausgerichtet.

 ETH Zürich


Kontaktgespräch HSLU

Das Kontaktgespräch ist die jährliche Job-Messe für Studierende der Hochschule Luzern. Studierende haben die Gelegenheit, mit Unternehmen aus unterschiedlichsten Branchen ins Gespräch zu kommen. Knüpfe neue Kontakte, lass dich beraten, knips dein neues Bewerbungsfoto und noch vieles mehr!

 HSLU, Campus Zug-Rotkreuz

Gli ultimi eventi

14. November 2024

Junior Opportunities Event Zürich

On the 14th of November 2024 we invite you to get to know our different entry options, talk to Swisscom employees and our recruiting team. The event will take place in Zurich more details will follow soon, so stay tuned!

 Swisscom Office, Zürich

25. - 27. Oktober 2024

USI Neural Wave Hackathon

The first Neural Wave hackathon, dedicated to pushing the boundaries of artificial intelligence (AI), will be held at the East Campus of the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), in Lugano. Registration for the event is now officially open.

 Campus East USI-SUPSI, Lugano (Ticino)

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17. Oktober 2024

Get Ready Event

The largest recruitment fair by students in Europe

 HSLU, Departement Wirtschaft

11. Oktober 2024

Forum EPFL

The largest recruitment fair by students in Europe

 SwissTech Convention Center, Lausanne

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3. Oktober 2024

Talk at University of Fribourg

Two experts from Swisscom will tell you how it is to work in the field of DevOps with two different perspectives. And you have the chance to ask your questions about working at Swisscom.
Let’s connect\!

 Bd de Pérolles 90, 1700 Fribourg

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Junior Opportunities @ Swisscom 2024

Ready to boost your career to the next level?

On the 22nd of May 2024 we invite you to get to know our different entry options, talk to Swisscom employees and our recruiting team. The event will take place in Berne more details will follow soon, so stay tuned!


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Career Day, BFH Informatik & Technik

Let’s meet at our booth, learn how to level up your LinkedIn profile and get to know your opportunities to start at Swisscom.

 BFH, Biel-Bienne

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Career Day, BFH Wirtschaft

Learn how to bring your LinkedIn profile to the next level and get to know how you can start at Swisscom.Learn how to bring your LinkedIn profile to the next level and get to know how you can start at Swisscom.

 BFH, Bern

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Long Night of Careers, USI

Get to know about our entry opportunities and learn more about Swisscom. We are looking forward to meet you there.

 University of Lugano

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OST Kontaktgespräch

Come and meet our Recruiter at our booth and learn how to bring your LinkedIn Profil to the next level. You’ll get insights into Swisscom and we provide you with informations about our entry opportunities.

 FH OST, Campus Rapperswil-Jona

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FHNW Career Days

We will be present with a booth, come and meet our Recruiter. Learn how to bring your LinkedIn Profil to the next level and get to know how you can start at Swisscom.

 FHNW Campus Brugg-Windisch

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VIS Kontaktparty

The largest academic recruiting fair in Switzerland.

 ETH Zürich

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UZH JobHub

The UZH JobHub is the largest recruitment event on the University of Zurich (UZH) campus. Bachelor's and Master's students as well as graduates, doctoral students and postdocs from all faculties have the opportunity to network with employers and discover suitable career and entry-level opportunities. An exciting program with numerous different formats awaits them.

 Universität ZürichUniversität Zürich

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HES-SO Forum

The HES-SO Forum is aimed at students in the final year of their Bachelor's and Master's degree in the fields of engineering and architecture as well as business and services and is the ideal opportunity to prepare for entering the professional world.

 Beaulieu, Lausanne

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HSLU Kontaktgespräch 2024

The event Kontaktgespräch 2024 is the ideal platform for students to get to know our career opportunities and job vacancies, network with our recruiters and get tips on how to optimize their LinkedIn profile.

 HSLU, Campus Zug-Rotkreuz

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Giornate conoscitive

Vivi una giornata in Swisscom. Conoscerai meglio il percorso di apprendistato e proverai a lavorare al fianco dei nostri apprendisti.

Eventi informativi

Gli apprendisti ti presentano i nostri percorsi di apprendistato e rispondono alle tue domande.

Digital Days for Girls

Le nostre informatiche e mediamatiche in formazione ti accompagnano in un viaggio alla scoperta del loro lavoro quotidiano.

Rimaniamo in contatto

Qui trovi una risposta a tutto. Alla tua curiosità, agli interessi speciali e anche alle tue domande sulla carriera in Swisscom.

Contatta il nostro team Recruiting

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