Supporting the circular economy together

Supporting the circular economy together. By taking part in our reuse initiative, you too can make a valuable contribution to the circular economy. Get involved and give devices and packaging a new lease of life.


Trade in your old mobile or donate it for a good cause. With its Swisscom Buyback and Mobile Aid initiatives, Swisscom has two programmes to encourage the reuse of second-hand mobiles. In its “refreshed” programme, Swisscom sells refurbished smartphones.

There are a lot of valuable raw materials in old mobile phones. 75% of the CO2 emissions associated with smartphones arise during production. The longer a device is used, therefore, the better it is for the environment


Sell your old mobile phone to Swisscom to be refurbished and receive a buyback amount.

Mobile Aid

If you wish to donate an old mobile phone, the proceeds from its resale and recycling will go to the SOS Children’s Villages foundation.


Devices that have reached the end of their useful life are passed on to Swico Recycling, a national, not-for-profit system for taking back discarded electronic and electrical equipment, for environmentally-friendly recycling.

Swico Recycling System(opens in new tab)

Your unused device contains valuable raw materials

The production of new smartphones requires a variety of raw materials that are becoming increasingly scarce and whose extraction is very CO2-intensive. For ecological reasons, it is important that these materials from old devices are recycled and reused - this is called urban mining.

Learn more with Monica Vogel, Co-President of the Swiss Geological Association(opens in new tab)

The diagram shows the rough components of a mobile phone with the labelling of the different parts.
The graphic shows the different materials of a mobile phone with the labelling of the percentages.


Repairing is kinder to the environment than throwing away. You can bring your faulty smartphone into any Swisscom Shop. We will forward your device to our service partner for repair.

Get your mobile or tablet fixed

To the video


Devices that you no longer require can simply be returned to Swisscom: by post, at a Päckli Punkt, via pick@home or Take me back.

Return goods to free of charge

Facts & Figures

Our commitment to the prudent management of natural resources is starting to bear fruit. We are also relentlessly pursuing our efforts to further improve our carbon footprint.

Go to CR strategy(opens in new tab)

Further measures for the climate

We have been leading the way in climate and environmental protection internationally in our industry for years. And we’re pursuing further ambitious goals.

Our climate contribution

In focus

With around 1,200 electric vehicles on order, Swisscom is taking a major step towards sustainable mobility.

Swisscom is recognised again as the world’s most sustainable telecommunications provider and breaks the one-million mark for the number of mobile phones collected

Instead of letting your unused, old smartphone eke out its existence as a dust collector, consider these tricks and tips.

#Ready for more sustainability

Offer for teachers: learning unit

If you're thinking about buying a new mobile phone, you should give your old one a second chance and sell it.

There are an estimated eight million unused smartphones lying around in Switzerland. A real waste when you consider the valuable raw materials hidden in these devices and all the good that can be done with them.

Swisscom is one of the most sustainable companies in Switzerland.