Best network.

connect fixed network test: Swisscom mobile network the best

Swisscom wins connect’s broadband and fixed network test for the fourth time in a row. Swisscom is the test winner and number one in the “national provider” category. Swisscom has achieved this top result thanks to its continued fibre-optic network expansion and ongoing focus on the needs of its customers.

People celebrating and looking happy

Swisscom is synonymous with network quality. Once again this year, the specialist magazine connect has confirmed that Swisscom customers are on Switzerland’s best broadband network. Scoring 982 out of a possible 1,000 points, Swisscom remained the leading national provider and received the award for outstanding performance.

Crowdsourcing was once again used for the test methodology this year. This evaluates the performance and quality that is actually received by customers, since the data used as the basis for evaluation was determined on customers’ smartphones and tablets. The test focussed on the categories of download, upload, latency and stability. connect writes: “At the highest level of competition, Swisscom wins out nationwide”. In its evaluation of Swiss broadband and fixed-line networks, connect again divided the providers into the two categories of “national” and “regional” providers. According to connect, the comparison with neighbouring countries Germany and Austria clearly shows that the broadband networks in Switzerland deliver top performance.

Expansion with ultra-fast fibre-optic network continues

With the best network, Swisscom provides Switzerland with particularly powerful and super-fast broadband technologies. Swisscom is expanding its network further to give as many customers as possible access to the fastest FTTH connections. By the end of 2025, Swisscom will increase its fibre-optic coverage (FTTH) to around 57%. It aims to achieve coverage of 75-80% by 2030. This recognition demonstrates that Swisscom’s focus on broadband expansion is paying off and that Swisscom offers its customers the best network experience.

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