More freedom for your digital projects

Would you like to use an additional fiber-optic socket to the existing socket in your home or business? Or do you require an internet-based service for a project elsewhere within your property?

With the new fiber-optic technology (FTTH Fiber to the Home), you benefit from internet speeds of up to 10 Gbit/s. You can access the ultra-fast fiber-optic network (FTTH) via a fiber-optic socket to cover your personal or business needs, such as fast surfing, fast downloads and the best TV experiences.

Additional fiber-optic socket

With an additional fiber-optic socket (special usage OTO), you can provide top notch internet for a variety of use cases such as a hobby room, a photovoltaic installation or your building control system. You decide where the additional fiber-optic socket is placed in consultation with the owner(s) of the property. Other technical requirements and individual requests can also be accommodated in addition to the examples already mentioned.

Order Requirements 

The desired location is already connected to the optical fiber network (FTTH). You can check here, if your address is already connected.

The owner(s) or property management company agree to the project before confirmation of the offer (verbally or in writing).

An initial availability check for the desired location has been completed successfully via the customer portal (connectnow).

After we receive your enquiry, we carry out a detailed feasibility study of your project. If the feasibility study is positive, we send you a binding offer.

In the final step, we carry out a detailed feasibility check of your project. If the feasibility check is positive, we will send you a binding offer.

Services and estimated costs

Project planning, specification, development and administrative activities

Adjustments/extensions of the FTTH network infrastructure (from the exchange to and including BEP (Building Entry Point))

In-house cabling through existing pipe systems from BEP up to and including fiber-optic socket

Estimated costs: 1 additional fiber-optic socket with 1 plug = approx. CHF 2,000, each additional plug an additional CHF 1,000

What is an optical fiber outlet (OTO)?

The fiber optic outlet or "OTO" (= Optical Telecommunications Outlet) is the optical interface between the end device and the ultra-fast fiber optic network.

Questions & answers

A fiber-optic socket, also called an OTO (optical telecommunications outlet), is the optical interface between terminal equipment and the ultra-fast fiber-optic network.

It is labelled with a unique identification number known as the OTO identification code. This is requested by providers in connection with service orders.  

A plug (slot) is a connection on the fiber-optic socket. You can plug the router cable into a plug. A fiber-optic socket has up to four plugs (numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4).

An (internet-based) service is a subscription offered by a telecommunications service provider for use of the internet, TV or a fixed network. To use the service on optical fiber, the router cable is plugged into one of the socket’s four plugs (slots).

The expansion of residential and commercial fiber-optic sockets is tailored to the changing needs of tenants/owners in the respective properties (placement in a normal location for use of services, e.g. the living room). The residential and commercial fiber-optic sockets are being installed as part of the regular optical fiber expansion as well as for FTTH on demand and new buildings. The additional fiber-optic socket is an extension to the optical fiber expansion, which includes one fiber-optic socket per home or business unit. For this reason, the additional fiber-optic socket is listed separately from the residential or commercial fiber-optic socket in Swisscom IT systems.

The additional fibre-optic socket can be ordered either by the building owner(s) or by third parties. Unless a different billing address is specified by the ordering party, the bill is sent to the party that orders the additional fibre-optic socket. In any case, the ordering party is liable for the timely payment of the agreed amount.

In principle, additional fiber-optic sockets are connected using the same architecture as the existing residential or commercial fiber-optic sockets. Generally speaking, this is the point-to-point architecture.

Yes, any natural or legal entity can register on connectnow.

You can only activate services on as many plugs as you specified per additional fiber-optic socket when ordering. If plugs have not been ordered, there is no connection to the Swisscom exchange and a service order can therefore not be placed. If additional services are needed at a later point in time, this connection must be established. Each plug requires a separate service contract with a provider.

Your provider will tell you which plug number your service has when you order the service.

Additional fiber-optic sockets are installed for a specific purpose and are therefore placed in the most suitable location. However, there are restrictions due to safety reasons (e.g. electrical distributors, protective bunkers, etc.). The desired location may differ from the actual feasible location for technical reasons.  

An installed and inventoried additional fiber-optic socket can be used to order and use the same services as a residential or commercial fiber-optic socket.  

If necessary, it is possible to activate an additional plug after a review of the request. A maximum of four plugs can be operated.

There will be no restrictions on who can connect to services in common areas. The owner of the site is also the owner of the fiber-optic socket in the common area and assumes responsibility/liability for it.

Additional fiber-optic sockets can essentially be positioned freely in consultation with the owner(s). However, there are restrictions due to safety reasons (e.g. electrical distributors, protective bunkers, etc.).

No, not at the moment. Unlike FTTH on demand (= early FTTH rollout), an additional fiber-optic socket requires an existing FTTH expansion, either by Swisscom or a cooperation partner.

In principle, there is no general requirement or restriction in this regard. However, the additional fiber-optic sockets must serve a dedicated purpose or be used to obtain services after installation. Additional fiber-optic sockets and plugs will not be installed as a reserve measure.

This is due to procedural and technical reasons. To ensure that orders in cooperation areas can be processed efficiently in terms of the procedure applied, a pilot project is currently underway in Zurich. This is aiming to establish a partially automated ordering process. In areas in which Swisscom alone is installing the fiber-optic network and in the pilot project in Zurich, additional fiber-optic sockets can be installed in addition to residential or commercial fiber-optic sockets when new buildings are being developed. Additional fiber-optic sockets can only be installed if an agreement is reached with the cooperation partner on the installation of additional fiber-optic sockets.  

For procedural and technical reasons, no additional fiber-optic sockets can be ordered during the large-scale optical fiber expansion. However, it is possible to order additional fiber-optic sockets within an FTTH on demand connection and in the case of new buildings.