Test Lab STS 0121:
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Non-ionising radiation

Date Title published in
January 2022 NIRO at IEEE/ICES TC95 Subcommittee 1
Spatial averaging field strength measurements(opens in new tab)
January 2016 IT’IS Foundation, Dosimetric Assessment of the Kathrein In-Ground-Antenna 
(TN: 80010233 / SN: D714407561) in accordance with the IEC 62209-2 Ed. 1(opens in new tab)
January 2016 IT’IS Foundation, Project 594B, Dosimetric Assessment of the Kathrein In-Ground-Antenna 
(TN: 80010233 / SN: D714407561) (Numerical Study)(opens in new tab)
February 2012 Head exposure system for a human provocation study to assess the possible influence
of UMTS-like electromagnetic fields on cerebral blood circulation using near-infrared imaging
Bio­electro­magnetics 33 (2) 124
January 2012 Assessment of intermittent UMTS electromagnetic field effects on blood circulation in the
hu-man auditory region using a near-infrared imaging system
Bio­electro­magnetics 33 (1) 40
May 2011 EMF measurements of LTE(opens in new tab) COST BM0704
December 2010 Elektromagnetische Felder in der Umwelt: Risiko oder Nutzen?(opens in new tab) Bulletin SFSN Nr. 99
September 2007 Reproducibility of GSM and UMTS EMF Measurement(opens in new tab) EMC Zurich
April 2007 Mutagenicity of electromagnetic fields using the tradescantia micronucleus bioassay(opens in new tab) EBEA 2007
April 2006 Benchmarking Personal Radiofrequency Exposimeters(opens in new tab) COST281
April 2006 Exposure assessment of Non-ionising Radiation from 5 Hz to 3 GHz(opens in new tab) COST281
December 2005 EMV-Messungen in Wohnquartieren(opens in new tab) comtec
September 2005 GSM-Mobilfunk mit EDGE(opens in new tab) comtec
September 2004 General public exposure to electromagnetic field generated by mobile phone base strations - a simple model(opens in new tab) COST281
January 2004 Software ermöglicht effiziente Feldstärkeprognosen(opens in new tab) Bulletin SEV/VSE
July 2003 Messung der nichtionisierenden Strahlung bei UMTS-Mobilfunk-Basisstationen(opens in new tab) comtec
August 2002 Indoor measurements of the electrical field close to mobile phone base stations(opens in new tab) URSI
December 2001 On the measurement of electric fields(opens in new tab) comtec
August 2001 Vergleichsmessungen zur Überprüfung der Messempfehlung für GSM-Basisstationen(opens in new tab) SICTA

Electromagnetic compatibility


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