Data, Analytics and AI

We Make Data Work

At DNA, we enable Swisscom to offer the best products, services and customer experience by leveraging our data into Al-based tools and analyses.

Aim for end-to-end solutions

Start with the simplest solution until the end results, then start adding complexity iteratively if needed.

Harmonize without constraints

Balance specific use-case requirements and shared good practices.

Collaboration beyond your sector

Find support within the tech community, understand and learn about the end goal.

 AI-powered customer service

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Network asset optimization

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  Personalization and recommendations

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 Predictive maintenance and ML-powered IT operations

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Data quality improvement and monitoring

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Data & Ethics

Swisscom deals with data and AI in ethical way.

Big data, big responsibility

What Makes DNA a Great Place to Work

We approach our data with great care and always in a value-driven mindset. We focus on synergies and enabling action. At DNA, you are heard, valued and trusted.

"When skilled people handle data with care, the resulting business impact can be nothing short of amazing."

Laure Willemin,
Executive Vice President of Data, Analytics & AI

Do you want to join us?

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Do you have any questions? Do not hesitate to contact us. For any information about our Data, Analytics and AI topics please send us an e-mail.

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