Process excellence in banking ​ 

  • Swisscom Automation
  • Banking Process Outsourcing (BPO)
  • Client Lifecycle Management (CLM)
  • Intelligent Content &Information Management (ICIM)
  • Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

We're happy to help.

Rely on our expertise in the digitisation of banking processes

Redesign and outsource or automate non-value-adding processes as far as possible, and protect both your financial and human resources, focusing on value-adding activities instead.

Repetitive tasks such as payment processing and creation in the back office or customer onboarding in customer-facing roles create more costs when they are carried out manually. Many of these tasks can be outsourced or fully standardised and run efficiently and without errors as automated processes.

Focus on your core competences

Enable your customers to get in touch with you anywhere and at any time with the help of omnichannel solutions. Provide a great customer experience while also freeing up time for more comprehensive, customer-centric advice and create the added value your customers have come to expect from a modern bank.

Let us help you redesign banking processes, activate untapped potential by leveraging process automation and robotics, and save resources. Hybrid touchpoints, perfectly designed to meet the needs of employees and customers, are the tools you need to impress with consulting excellence.

What makes Swisscom a banking partner with added value

Your banking customers are important to us. We work with you to ensure inspiring customer experiences with added value.

Drawing on our extensive expertise and experience, we’ll propose the optimal solution for every problem.

You can rely on our quality solutions for today and tomorrow without missing out on any market developments.

Why banks rely on process automation from Swisscom

Customer requirements

A young bank in French-speaking Switzerland was looking for an IT partner with proven expertise in the banking sector and IT, which could also offer French-language support. Its core banking system was to provide a completely anonymous solution for onboarding to maintain data security with the outsourcing provider. Inspiring, personalised, digital customer experiences would be created by a high level of autonomy, self-service and 24/7 access.

The support offered by Swisscom

Streamlined, automated processes helped increase volume and reduce IT costs. The core banking system supports omnichannel communication with customers and a high level of data security. The CLM suite permits an efficient, largely automated design of the customer lifecycle with a reduced error rate and reduced costs.

Customer requirements

A leading major Swiss bank was looking for an efficient solution to streamline procurement processes, reduce the number of suppliers and cut high process costs. It also wanted external storage and distribution.

The support offered by Swisscom

In the course of the Swisscom project, procurement processes were streamlined significantly, reducing procurement costs by 25 percent and personnel costs by 30 percent. The number of interfaces was reduced, and all ordering, approval and invoice processing processes are now fully automated.

‘We wanted the support of the Swiss market leader to establish ourselves on the Swiss banking market.’

Philippe Brunier, COO and Member of the Board of Directors of Banque du Léman

Our experts will be happy to answer your questions. Contact us.