Current copyright law requires all TV providers to recompense channels for any time-delayed viewing of their content. The tariff for this is agreed between the user associations (Suissedigital and Swissstream) and the collecting societies (ProLitteris, SSA Société Suisse des Auteurs, SUISA, SUISSIMAGE and SWISSPERFORM). In June 2020, the collecting societies and the user associations agreed a higher tariff (joint tariff 12) that regulates time-delayed viewing in Switzerland on the basis of the Federal Copyright Act.
The industry agreement is an agreement between broadcasters and channels, which ensures that time-delayed viewing can continue in Switzerland in its current form in the future. At the end of 2018, the National Council asked the broadcasters and channels to reach an amicable resolution. The new advertising formats are designed to compensate the channels for financial losses incurred as a result of viewers skipping the adverts on Replay TV.
The following advertising options have been introduced:
- Start Ads: A short advert (7 seconds) at the start of a programme being watched on time-delayed TV.
- FFW Ads (fast forward): An advert shown if a linear commercial break is skipped during time-delayed viewing.
- Pause Ads: A static advert after the pause button is pressed during live or time-delayed viewing.