Cyber Security

Cyber crime: the threat situation remains serious

First COVID-19 and now the war in Ukraine: both events have had a direct impact on cyber security. Swisscom’s latest Cyber Security Threat Radar gives large enterprises, SMEs and organisations an overview of the current cyber threat situation and its development.

A middle-aged man works at his laptop in a modern office. He wears a blue shirt and sits on a black office chair. In the background are two women who are also at work. The office contains plants and the man’s desk has various documents and a pen holder with pens.

The deluge of cyber threats remains high. Initially, the switch to working from home for many employees opened the door to new attack methods. The current threat status has also been massively affected by the geopolitical situation. The war in Europe is changing the world and is also being waged in cyberspace.

Threats and countermeasures

New threats have emerged on Swisscom’s Cyber Security Threat Radar this year, including risks related to concentration data and cloud services. In a multi-cloud solution, a company uses several different cloud services, often from several providers. This offers more flexibility, but at the same time leads to more interfaces and a greater area of attack. The threat radar also views the skills shortage in the security job market as a growing risk. The shortage of skilled workers is exacerbating current challenges in IT security. For companies, this means that they have to invest in internal specialist training and promote talent to guarantee their attractiveness as an employer. Competition is fierce and the market is highly competitive.

The danger posed by ransomware continues to be a hot topic. While cybercriminals previously set their sights on large corporations and operators of critical infrastructures like energy suppliers and hospitals, they are now increasingly attacking SMEs and municipalities. These often prove easy targets for the attackers: they come across unpatched systems, VPN access without multi-factor authentication or an IT infrastructure that is not primed to prevent the installation of malware. The risk of falling victim to a ransomware attack therefore remains high. The report explains the measures companies can take against these and other challenges.

Navigating the cyber world safely

Given the current situation, it is particularly challenging for companies and organisations to keep track. Swisscom’s Cyber Security Threat Radar is intended to provide support with this. It serves as a guide and compass for navigating the cyber world. The report monitors, links and evaluates trends and challenges in the cyber world. By pooling expert knowledge, it provides a quick overview of the threat situation and how it is developing in Switzerland.

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