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Apple TV is ready for Swiss football

Swisscom blue TV comes to Apple TV right on time for the start of the new Swiss football season – not only giving access to over 250 channels, but also to all games from the Super League, Challenge League, Champions League, Europa League and many other top international leagues.
Sabrina Hubacher
Sabrina Hubacher, Media spokesperson
19 July 2021

Following many months of work by blue TV developers on the Switzerland launch, the app is now also available on Apple TV. This represents a continuation of the strategy inaugurated last autumn to make Switzerland’s most popular television available on as many platforms as possible.


Since its launch back in October 2020, apps for LG smart TVs as well as Quickline and Wingo set-top boxes have joined the originally released apps for Samsung smart TVs and UPC TV boxes. An app will also be launched for net+ TV boxes at the same time as Apple TV.


“However you watch TV, get ready for Switzerland’s most popular television and the biggest sporting events, including the UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League, Credit Suisse Super League, Brack.ch Challenge League and many other top international leagues,” says Wolfgang Elsässer, Head of Entertainment at Swisscom. “Whether on Apple, LG, Quickline or another platform, each new blue TV app is programmed in Switzerland, for Switzerland specifically for the respective devices. Our clear aim is to offer the most convenient television in Switzerland for everyone.”


The blue TV app on Apple TV can be used free of charge by inOne TV customers with their existing subscription, provided they have booked the Multiroom option, allowing them to use additional TV boxes in the household. Non-Swisscom customers who wish to use the blue TV app can choose between a free version, with over 250 live TV channels and advertising when changing channels, and a premium version for CHF 10.– per month, with over 250 channels and a replay, recording and fast channel change option.

You can enjoy blue TV in the following ways:


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