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SBB on board with Low Power Network

SBB has joined forces with Swisscom and Swiss Post for the Internet of Things (IoT). As a cooperation partner in the Low Power Network (LPN), SBB is driving network expansion by bringing additional locations into the network – to the benefit of all network participants. The network already supplies 95 percent of the population.

Door contacts for access monitoring systems, in-room motion sensors and temperature measurements: with Swisscom's nationwide Low Power Network, information can be transmitted inexpensively and independently of the electricity grid. As a new cooperation partner, SBB will bring an additional 150 outdoor locations to the existing network.

The cooperation will also bring swift expansion into the 24 largest train stations; indoor coverage that will, in turn, open up new applications for Railcities’ tenants, real estate managers and other stakeholders. For SBB, the expansion of a shared radio network to complement the mobile network was preferable to separate initiatives. The Internet of Things represents an important foundation for the digital, connected future of the rail industry. SBB sees potential in different fields of application; for example, measurements, ordering or monitoring within train stations or on trains.

Rapid network expansion through incorporation of Swiss Post locations

The three partners will leverage synergies from the further expansion and operation of the Swisscom-managed IoT infrastructure. They are also working together to expand the IoT and LPN ecosystem – for the benefit of all network users. Swiss Post signed up as the first cooperation partner in 2017. With the additional Post locations, Swisscom was able to expand the network very rapidly and now supplies more than 95 percent of the population. Further cooperation partners are welcome.

The three major partners, Swiss Post, Swisscom and SBB, are today jointly investing in the nationwide LPN for Internet of Things applications and developing the ecosystem even further. According to Adrian Bolliger, Head of Mobile Business Services at Swisscom: “The denser the network, the greater the application opportunities for the development of new services. We are delighted to welcome SBB as our second cooperation partner. This will benefit all network participants, no matter whether a start-up, SME or large corporation.” By the end of 2017, 16 million messages were already being transmitted over the LPN every month.

The Low Power Network

The Low Power Network is a supplementary network for the Internet of Things. It combines a narrow bandwidth with a high range, and transmits data very energy efficiently, reducing connectivity costs. Depending on the application, battery-powered transmitters can transmit information independently of the electrical network. LPN is based on the open LoRaWAN industry standard. Swisscom has been a member of the LoRa Alliance since January 2015; Swiss Post has been a member since June 2016 (

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