Swisscom info and facts

Every second retail bank obtains securities data from Swisscom

Berne, 19 December 2017

As at the end of November 2017, a total of 6 cantonal banks and 42 smaller and medium-sized regional banks had switched to the service for outsourcing securities data from Swisscom.

Swisscom offers the Securities Data Management service independently of the core system of the customer banks. The systems of the banks are connected via an adapter to the Finnova solution of Swisscom. In 2015, this solution – which is unique in Switzerland – was implemented for the first time with the Aargauer Kantonalbank. In the meantime, around half of the 95 Swiss retail banks (according to the Bankenbarometer 2017) are using this service. By outsourcing securities data management, the complexity and also costs for the banks are reduced thanks to standardisation and automation.

Using the same adapter, Swisscom has also connected the payment transaction system and processes of the Zürcher Kantonalbank to its processing centre. Since the spring of 2017, all of the payment transactions of the Zürcher Kantonalbank have been processed via this adapter.