Swisscom info and facts

myCloud Desktop: drag and drop files into the cloud

Berne, 18 May 2017

Swisscom is launching a new desktop client for the myCloud online storage service to organise documents, photos or videos easily on the PC and synchronise them with a myCloud account.

Swisscom's latest online storage service application is called myCloud Desktop and facilitates file synchronisation with myCloud. Once installed, customers can directly access files in their myCloud via a myCloud folder on their PC or Mac. They can use the drag-and-drop function to easily move files, folders and entire back-ups to the online storage facility. Files can be conveniently edited in Windows Explorer or Mac Finder and any changes automatically adopted on all devices. Although myCloud Desktop is primarily designed for synchronising documents, it can also be used to upload photo archives or synchronise videos easily. A couple of clicks in the web browser is all it takes to move the required photos and videos to the selected myCloud folder. The new service was extensively trialled with several thousand customers over the past few weeks and will continue to be developed in the future. It is available now to all Windows users and will soon be enabled for Mac users too.


myCloud Desktop benefits:


  • Always up to date:  file changes by the customer are automatically adopted on all devices. File are always up-to-date no matter where the customer is working.


  • Offline file editing: customers can still edit files, even when they are not connected to the Internet. The files are saved on the computer and updated in myCloud as soon as the customer is online again.


  • Never lose data again: files synchronised with myCloud are not lost even if the customer’s own computer is defective or lost.