This is a huge commitment and is also the reason why Swisscom is the main partner of the Energy Challenge 2017 for the second year running. Under the motto “Working together to increase sustainability”, Swisscom is appealing to the Swiss population in collaboration with SwissEnergy to be smart in their use of energy. Res Witschi, Head of Corporate Responsibility at Swisscom, had the following to say: “Saving energy does not automatically mean refraining from using it altogether. We want to make it clear that small steps can also have a huge impact.” Swisscom is letting its employees’ children do the talking in a series of articles in the 20 Minuten commuter newspaper, in which they explain how sustainable living is “child’s play”. In the Energy Challenge app and using the #energychallenge hashtag on Twitter, Swisscom experts are providing practical tips on how to save energy in every aspect of our lives – from using energy-saving TV Boxes and donating old mobile phones to charity all the way to smart home solutions. The aim of this campaign is to encourage users of the app to suggest and implement at least 100,000 tips so that the virtually energy-neutral closing concert, Energy Air Bern, can be held.