Swisscom info and facts

Official .NET support on the Swisscom Application Cloud

Berne, 21 December 2016

Swisscom today announced the official support of native .NET applications on the Swisscom Application Cloud, a Cloud Foundry based Platform as a Service offering. Swisscom’s support allows .NET developers to deploy their .NET next applications into a Cloud in Switzerland.

.NET is a very important programming language, especially for enterprise developers which tightly couple into the existing Microsoft frameworks. Swisscom and its customers adopt and leverage .NET as a modern programming language day by day and in large scale. Until now, it was only possible to deploy .NET applications based on the mono-runtime environment (open-source project). Due to the fact that Microsoft open-sourced and just released their new runtime, this is now also possible on other platforms like the Swisscom Application Cloud.


Natively Support .NETs next version

ASP.NET Core is a significant redesign of ASP.NET. It is a new open-source and cross-platform framework for building modern cloud based internet connected applications. ASP.NET Core is based on the .NET Core project model. When building a .NET Core project you also have a choice of which .NET flavour to target your application at: .NET Core (CoreCLR), .NET Framework (CLR) or Mono. CoreCLR is a modular runtime and library implementation that includes a subset of the .NET Framework and supports building applications that can run cross-platform on Windows, Mac and Linux. You can push your app to a Cloud Foundry based PaaS with the ASP.Net Core build pack. It will be supported natively on the Swisscom Application Cloud.


OpenSource EcoSystem

Swisscom is a Microsoft Goldpartner and works closely with Microsoft in various partnership models. Microsoft’s open-source strategy leads towards a fast adoption of Microsoft software into various Open Source projects. One of them is the Cloud Foundry Foundation, where Swisscom is a gold member as well as acts as a board member. Bringing Microsoft technology onto an Open Platform like CloudFoundry opens a broad set of capabilities to the market and allows .NET Developers to now push their apps smoothly onto the de facto standard Cloud Native platform CloudFoundry.


“We’re happy to see the growing adoption of .NET from companies like Swisscom,” said Shawn Nandi, Senior Director, Cloud App Dev and Data Marketing for Microsoft Corp. "Providing native .NET support on the Swisscom Application CloudThis is a great example of how our approach to developing technologies such as .NET in the open is serving developers and creating opportunities for our partners across the ecosystem.”

About the Swisscom Application Cloud

Developers use the Cloud Foundry-certified PaaS environment in Switzerland, the US and Europe. Access is via self-service on the Swisscom Developer Portal: They all benefit from services such as Docker/Diego, ELK, MongoDB, MariaDB, RabbitMQ, Object Storage and Redis-as-a-Service. Two container versions are available: LXC/Garden and Docker/runC. The platform supports the most popular programming languages, from Java PHP, ruby, go, python and NodeJS through to .NET.