Unlike usual security tests, which are carried out by individual experts from one company, Swisscom is relying on the “Crowd Security” approach here. Hackers from all over the world, who have registered via the platform “HackerOne”, will be allowed to attack a copy of the Swisscom Customer Center during a period of six weeks. Any security gaps that are found will be reported immediately via HackerOne to a special Swisscom team, which will initiate the rectification of the weakness. A cash reward will also be provided to the finder. The amount will be based on the severity and difficulty of the gap, and it can amount to several thousand Swiss francs.
“It is important to bundle the expertise of the hackers in a positive form and provide legal incentives”, says Stephan Rickauer, Project Manager of the programme at Swisscom. With its assignment to HackerOne, Swisscom is making an important contribution towards this while simultaneously ensuring that any weakness found by the hackers does not find its way on to the illegal black markets. “Our offer is clear: show us our weaknesses, and we’ll reward you for it – legally”, says Stephan Rickauer.