Responsibility for the environment

We have been leading the way in climate and environmental protection internationally in our industry for years. And we’re pursuing further ambitious goals.

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This is how we make a climate contribution with every subscription

This is how we make a climate contribution with every subscription

Our number one goal

To become net zero according to SBTI by 2035 as Swisscom Group

We have committed to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions across the entire value chain in accordance with SBTi by 2035, thereby making a significant contribution to a climate-friendly Switzerland. The criteria for achieving net-zero carbon emissions are challenging and are strictly defined by the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi). In 2023, the SBTi has verified Swisscom’s net-zero science-based target by 2035.* The interim targets, such as climate neutrality by 2025, are currently being revised. There are currently no changes to the climate protection measures up to 2025.

*The target boundary includes land related emissions and removals from bioenergy feedstocks.   

Direct emissions: -90%

Graphic CO2 emissions

We have already reduced over 80% of our direct emissions since 1990. By 2025, we will have reduced them by a further 10%. We offset the unavoidable residual emissions. We want to further reduce our carbon footprint.

Scope 2 emissions in 1990 and 2000 are based on calculations.

Figures in 1,000 tonnes of CO2. For further information, see the interview with Saskia Günther, Head of Corporate Responsibility and the 2023 Sustainability Impact Report(opens in new tab).

Solar panels on the roof

Renewable energies

Since 2010, all of the energy we use has come from renewable sources. Certifications of origin attest to the CO2-free production of the purchased energy. We also operate over 100 photovoltaic plants, with which we produce our own electricity.


Efficient infrastructure

To reduce emissions from the consumption of thermal energy, we are systematically replacing all of our heating systems that need updating with heat pumps, wood heaters and heat recovery from our own operations.

Electric vehicle charging

Sustainable mobility

Swisscom has one of the largest company fleets in Switzerland - mobility is a key driver of our direct CO2 emissions. In order to travel sustainably, we have set ourselves the goal of halving direct CO2 emissions from mobility by 2025 and eliminating them completely by 2030. 

To the video with our CEO Christoph Aeschlimann

To the video with Saskia Günther, Head of Sustainability

To the video with Michael Klasa, Head of Mobility

Indirect emissions: -50%

Graph indirect emissions

At 306 kt CO2, indirect emissions account for by far the largest share of our carbon footprint. By 2025, we aim to reduce this by 50% and offset the rest.

Start of indirect emissions measurement in 2013.

Figures in 1,000 tonnes of CO2. For further information, see the interview with Saskia Günther, Head of Corporate Responsibility and the 2023 Sustainability Impact Report(opens in new tab).

Shipping container

Sustainable supply chain

To reduce emissions from the supply chain, we enter into agreements on the achievement of climate protection goals with our key partners and suppliers.

Woman with laptop

Climate-friendly working

To avoid unnecessary business trips and commutes, we offer flexible working models and innovative solutions such as Work Smart, remote working or working from home and video communication.

TV Box 5

Sustainable products

We work with our suppliers to develop recyclable products. In 2023, for example, Swisscom launched the TV Box 5 made of 65% recycled plastic.

Arrow Logo

Circular economy!
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Our second goal

To save 1 million tonnes of CO2

We want to make an additional contribution to climate protection by 2025 by helping our customers save annually one million tons of CO2 with sustainable products and services.

Our methodology shows how we calculate the avoided CO2 emissions(opens in new tab)

Saving CO2 with ICT services

Today, we are already enabling our customers to reduce their carbon footprint by more than 1.1 m tonnes of CO2 eq through innovative ICT solutions. We want to ramp up this positive contribution to climate protection by 2025, helping to save the equivalent of 2% of all CO2 emissions in Switzerland.

For further information, see the interview with Saskia Günther, Head of Corporate Responsibility and the 2023 Sustainability Impact Report(opens in new tab).

Man with laptop

Work Smart services

We are helping to avoid unnecessary travel through video communication and online collaboration. The COVID pandemic in particular revealed the emissions-reducing potential of these solutions.


IoT technologies

By facilitating the IoT-based remote monitoring and control of equipment such as heaters, tanks and containers, we are helping to reduce unnecessary journeys and, in turn, CO2 emissions.

Data center

Cloud services

By moving processing power and data storage to our highly efficient data centres, we are contributing to climate protection through energy savings while also reducing costs and improving security.

Swisscom Shop


From till receipts and paper billing to brochures and manuals, paperless digital solutions allow us to reduce emissions while improving usability and service quality.

Old smartphones

Circular economy

By supporting the circular economy, we are helping to give used smartphones and laptops a new lease of life. Extending service life helps to conserve resources and save energy.

Go to circular economy

Woman and man discussing

New solutions

We are constantly developing new customer solutions that contribute to climate protection. In 2022, for example, we launched a comprehensive package of measures to support companies in defining and implementing their climate strategy.

Swisscom Ventures(opens in new tab)

This is how we make a climate contribution with every subscription

We save CO2 and invest in climate protection projects selected according to strict criteria.

Our climate contribution

Man with solar panel


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