All apprenticeship positions

On this page, you will find all available apprenticeship positions at Swisscom.

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All the listed vacancies are currently open. The earlier you can start, the better. Together, we will find the ideal start date for everyone. Please note, however, that the starting date for apprenticeships and the trainee programme is fixed.

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EducationBackofficeBusiness & IT ConsultingBusiness EngineeringChannel & Partner ManagementCustomer Care & Call CenterData Science & AnalyticsDevOps & Lean Agile RolesHR & Communication  IT & Enterprise ArchitectureKey Account ManagementMarketingNetwork EngineeringProduct ManagementProject ManagementSales (B2B)Sales (Swisscom Shop)SecuritySoftware DevelopmentStrategy, Finance & LegalSupply Chain & Facility ManagementSystem Engineering
Young ProfessionalsExperienced professionalSpecialists and management positionsFVC apprenticeshipVET apprenticeshipStage FOS / EMLPractical Bachelor’s degree (PiBS)Graduate internship (Step In)Trainee programBachelor and Master theses
No apprenticeshipRetailInformation TechnologyCommerceDigitales BusinessMedia DesignMediamatics
ArgoviaAppenzellBaselBernFribourgGenevaGlarusGrisonsJuraLucerneNeuchâtelNidwalden/ObwaldenSchaffhausenSchwyzSolothurnSt. GallenTicinoThurgoviaUriVaudValaisZugZurichUSA (Menlo Park)
Employment level
up to 50%60%70%80%90%100%
Contract type
fixed termopen-ended

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Next Generation

Have you just completed your school, college or university education and are planning your next step? Are you at home in the digital world, keen to learn and achieve great things with your colleagues? Start your career now with an apprenticeship, fast-track Way-up traineeship, practice-based bachelor’s degree programme, or a long-term internship as part of your secondary education (school-based VET programme, or SOG). Or become an (IT) trainee, perhaps also in our Step-in graduate internship programme. Next Generation – get your career off to a great start with Swisscom.

Are you a school-leaver?

Are you a secondary school-leaver or Matura holder?

Are you a student or graduate?

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