Angelo Iorio


“I’m happy to go the extra mile”

If someone is a little lost and unsure where to turn, they often end up visiting us at the Swisscom Shop. Good service is extremely important to us. We take care of and advise the customers – sometimes so well that they are moved to hug us.

When conversing with customers, I enjoy a challenge. I have been a customer advisor in different Swisscom Shops for almost 25 years now. In this job, you need a lot of sensitivity and empathy. You have to be on the ‘level’ with customers; find out what makes them happy and start from there.

In my free time, my passion is coaching girls’ football. It has many parallelswith my job. There, too, I sometimes have to resolve difficult situations, speak to lots of people and, above all, motivate people. My insider tip for every consultation: enthusiasm is contagious – try it!

I get a lot of job satisfaction when I can really help the customer. For example,if somebody’s mobile phone photos seem to be lost and I am able to recover them. That certainly prompted a big spontaneous hug of gratitude. It’s quite touching and why I’ve been doing this job for so long and still love it.

Angelo Iorio

Customer Advisor at the Swisscom Shop in Frauenfeld

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