NetBox Operator, Now Open Sourced

Extending Kubernetes for Seamless Network Operations

In our continuous pursuit of enhancing operational efficiency and reliability, we have fully embraced the GitOps model, leveraging the strengths of Kubernetes to automate and streamline network services and infrastructure management.

Our NetBox Operator extends the Kubernetes API by allowing users to manage NetBox resources – such as IP addresses and prefixes – directly through Kubernetes. This integration brings Kubernetes-native features like reconciliation, ensuring that network configurations are maintained automatically, thereby improving both efficiency and reliability. This enables us to manage resources using high-level intents without relying on specific implementation details such as IP addresses, VLAN IDs, etc. A brief explanation of this including a demo can be found on YouTube(opens in new tab)

Transforming the Industry Together

As Swisscom continues to lead the transformation from Telco to Techco, we recognize that the future of our industry hinges on collaboration. By open-sourcing the NetBox Operator, we are opening the doors to partnering with the wider IT industry and community on a key topic in Kubernetes-driven infrastructures.

This initiative invites the community to join us in advancing cloud native automation, fostering shared innovation, and contributing to a more efficient, reliable, and automated future. 

We are excited to share more about our experiences and future plans at upcoming conferences ContainerDays(opens in new tab) and Open Source Summit(opens in new tab). We hope to see you there!

For more information, visit the NetBox Operator repository on GitHub(opens in new tab). Keep an eye out for a follow up deep-dive into using the NetBox Operator. Please join us on our journey!

Joel Studler

Joel Studler

DevOps Engineers

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