Lena: I investigated different career options, mainly through taster sessions or by reading about them on the Internet. Lots of information was also provided at school about the “standard jobs” that many people do. Siblings or colleagues are also good points of contact if you have questions or need more information.
My sister completed her commercial training at Swisscom, so I heard about it from her. She told me a lot and I thought, “Yes, that would interest me, but I'll look further.” I didn't find anything I liked better, so I decided to give it a try. I attended a few taster days and was able to gain experience and valuable insights into commercial apprenticeships. In the end, I applied to Swisscom because they offer a lot of options and it's not like a “normal” commercial apprenticeship. I already knew about the apprenticeship model from my sister, who was very enthusiastic about it.
The application process went relatively quickly. I sent the required documents online on 1 August. After two weeks, I received an invitation to a video interview, which took place two days later. The very next day, I received a call inviting me to a personal interview.