The most valuable components of my teaching are trust and development.
As I mentioned at the beginning, Swisscom's trust is very high. Swisscom's trustworthiness is something I encounter again and again every day. I notice it particularly because I don't have the same presence as all the other apprentices and employees. Nevertheless, I am looked after very well and I am not neglected. I have the opportunity to carry out and experience the same work/assignments as the other employees, just in a reduced quantity of course.
What I also particularly appreciate about Swisscom is that there is a big focus on our individual development. Every six months, each learner prepares a so-called education report, which reflects on the last semester of school and work (including the reflection of the PA and LB). The main part of the educational report relates to the three Swisscom values: Trustworthy, Committed and Curious. In addition, I set new goals for the next semester myself and with my LB.
This report is discussed with the LB and the apprentice when it is completed. After this discussion, or after reflecting on yourself and the people around you in general, you realise what and how much you have learned in just 6 months.