Crypto AML Compliance

Detect and monitor money laundering red flags with cryptocurrencies

Under the Swiss Anti-Money Laundering Act, all financial institutions are required to identify and clarify risks associated with crypto currencies.

Crypto AML Compliance provides comprehensive support in this. Automatic monitoring detects, checks and reports changes to the risk profile or forwards to an expert.

When is it the right solution?

Crypto AML Compliance is designed for financial service providers who accept cryptocurrencies or fiat money from cryptocurrency trading and would like to benefit from Swisscom’s extensive expertise in analysing and identifying money laundering risks in connection with blockchain.

Your benefits:

  • Modular design to give you the specific services you need
  • One-time or continuous risk classification
  • Analysis of risk-relevant information from the blockchain

Crypto AML Compliance quotation

Crypto AML Compliance in detail

Modern data analysis tools automatically assess the risks of money laundering and terrorist financing for blockchain addresses, transactions in cryptocurrencies and wallet users. Among other things, Crypto AML detects and tracks transaction flows and interactions with stock exchanges, mixers and darknet marketplaces, for example, and compares these with databases. Risk assessments can be one off or continuous.

Our crypto compliance experts perform a manual risk analysis as part of our extensive due diligence offering. To ensure the completeness and accuracy of the analysed data, decryption, analysis and extraction are based on various data analysis tools. The information is then condensed and compared against the risk criteria of the Swiss Anti-Money Laundering Ordinance. Finally, we prepare a risk report for you.

Since the holder of the private key essentially has unrestricted disposal of the crypto currencies in a wallet, this holder is considered the economic beneficiary of the wallet address. We are happy to support you in verifying power of disposition over wallet addresses.

Our experienced team of crypto compliance experts will be happy to assist you in designing your crypto compliance rules and integrating them in your existing compliance processes.

Why Swisscom?


Our teams have experience in the crypto financial sector and own a network of blockchain experts.

Best practice

A holistic best-practice approach with a focus on the Swiss Anti-Money Laundering Act.


Sensitive data is exchanged over our secure and confidential Tier 4 platform.

Would you like to find out more?

Our experts will be happy to answer your questions. Contact us.