Answer three questions and find your individual path to the Microsoft Cloud.
With Microsoft 365 from the cloud, your team will be able to access applications and data securely on any device and from any location. Benefit from reliable Swisscom services for Microsoft Cloud solutions and use additional services if required, unlocking the full potential of Microsoft 365.
Benefit from the proven industry expertise of an experienced partner in all aspects of Microsoft 365 and Microsoft 365 projects.
Enjoy the best possible on-site support from the leading provider of Microsoft Cloud services in Switzerland.
Rely on resource-efficient, customisable cloud solutions that optimally cater to your requirements.
Tell us your requirements, wishes and needs. With our in-depth knowledge and extensive experience, we give you targeted advice and support to create the optimal cloud-based working environment for you.
Reducing complexity is our common goal. Everything is designed so that you can quickly create positive experiences and deliver profitable results. was looking for an IT solution which was ideally suited to its organisation and which optimally supported interdisciplinary collaboration. Particularly important was open, flexible access to the company’s extensive knowledge base and specific expertise of the employees.
Swisscom supported on its journey to a future-oriented IT landscape that has significantly simplified cooperation between all employees and made the entire company more efficient. The services ranged from consulting to engineering. Despite considerable challenges, the results are outstanding.
We have a number of certifications attesting to our many years of expertise and long-established cooperation with Microsoft.