Swisscom Sign – the digital signature for companies

  • Watertight
    Legally equivalent to a handwritten signature
  • Mobile
    Save time by signing instantly from anywhere
  • Digitised
    No need for scanning, printing or postage
  • Transparent
    Simple user management with signed document overview

With the qualified electronic signature (QES), your company can sign contracts and documents quickly, easily and in a legally compliant manner at any time.

Take advantage of legally valid digital signatures and virtual processes to save time and administrative effort for your SME, and avoid unnecessary trips to the post office or on-site visits. Once you have completed the one-time registration and identity verification, you can easily sign contracts and documents of all kinds in the Swisscom Sign app, concluding contracts and transferring confirmations in moments rather than days.

Keep track of documents sent out for signing, monitor contract progress and manage signatories directly from the Cockpit. You can also download all the digitally signed documents and archive locally. With this full digital solution, you won’t run any risk of losing original documents in the mail.

  1. Upload documents to the My Swisscom app or
  2. Invite people to sign the documents and receive notifications
  3. Have the documents legally signed by all parties
  4. View and download the signed documents in the app or on a desktop
Before starting

Complete the one-time registration for Swisscom Sign

To use Swisscom Sign as an SME, you must register for free as a natural person and complete an identity verification.

  1. Choose the version you require for your SME
  2. Scan the on-screen QR code with your smartphone 
  3. Download the My Swisscom app on your smartphone
  4. Verify your identity with your ID or passport

Sign up now for the new Swisscom Sign subscription with SME Cockpit using the promotion code SIGN10 and you’ll receive a free one month trial, including 10 signature processes. Each signature process may include several signatures. Once you have used up the quota of 10 signature processes, each additional signature costs CHF 2.40. The subscription is automatically renewed every 30 days and costs CHF 9.90 per month after the promotion ends. A credit card is required for activation. Unused signature credit expires three months after activation of the promotion or in the event of early cancellation. You may cancel the subscription at any time to the end of the monthly billing period. Your access will remain valid until the end of the billing period that has already been paid.

Promotion code SIGN10 can only be used once per organisation. The promotion code can be redeemed from 1 January 2025 to 30 June 2025. We reserve the right to modify or end the promotion at the end of the month.

Questions about Swisscom Sign for SMEs 

Give us a call

Still have some questions about the product? Our lines are open 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Why Swisscom?

Swisscom Sign is already an established product for private individuals.

We are fully compliant with eIDAS and ZertES regulations governing data privacy and security.

All our e-signatures are automatically offered at the highest signature level, QES.

Digitally sign documents

Conclude employment contracts in seconds and save yourself the time and admin associated with posting your documents or arranging an on-site visit. And you won’t run the risk of documents going astray in transit.

Use a digital signature to sign minutes, powers of attorney, financial statements and other important legal documents. Minutes from board meetings can also be signed quickly, easily and legally using a QES.

Whether you’re an agent, agency or architect, you can use e-signatures to sign all types of digital contract in a legally compliant manner. Besides allowing you to conclude contracts more quickly, it also saves you time and administrative effort. You can also download your documents and archive them electronically, and there’s no risk of losing documents in the post.

Digitally sign lease agreements and acceptance reports in seconds and save on the cost of printing and postage, as well as the time required to physically post everything in duplicate. What is more, there’s no risk of original documents becoming lost in the post.


The price per signature is CHF 2.40 for commercial use. The party requesting the signing bears the cost of all signatures on the document. To sign a document with two signatories, for example, it would cost CHF 4.80. The one-time identity verification is free of charge.

With the optional Swisscom Sign Cockpit, you can add additional members to your organisation and pay for signatures using a centrally stored payment method. You can subscribe to the Swisscom Sign Cockpit for CHF 9.90 per month.

To invite other parties to co-sign a document:

  • Position the signature field(s) on the document for the person/people you want to sign
  • Pay the cost of the additional signature(s)
  • Each invited person will receive an e-mail with the link to our website. They then scan the QR code with their smartphone and access the document to be signed.
  • If the invited person is not yet registered, they will first need to verify their identity using a valid identity document (ID card or passport)
  • The invitee provides their legal signature on the document digitally
  • You receive a confirmation e-mail that the signing process has been completed and that the document is ready for download

Signed documents can be found in your My Swisscom app. These will be deleted automatically 30 days after the signature process is complete. You should therefore download the documents and save them to your device or the cloud before they are deleted. 

If you have been invited to sign documents, you can download the signed document again within 30 days. To do this, click on the link you received by e-mail.

As an administrator or member of an organisation in the Swisscom Sign Cockpit, you can view and download signed documents in My Signature Processes for 30 days after the signing process has been completed.

A scanned signature does not meet the requirements for a qualified electronic signature (QES). So if you sign on a piece of paper, scan it and use it digitally, it is not legally equivalent to your handwritten signature, because it is easy to fake or reproduce.

Swisscom Sign is more than a digital signature for SMEs: the qualified electronic signature (QES) is equivalent to a handwritten signature under Swiss law and is valid within the entire jurisdiction of Switzerland. With a QES, you can electronically sign, with legal effect, all documents that would previously have been signed by hand (simple written form). 

With a QES, you can electronically sign documents at any time and legally complete business processes online using electronic signatures and seals. If you need to sign a document that falls under European jurisdiction, please choose our eIDAS-compliant QES.

Before your SME can use Swisscom Sign, you will first need to complete the one-time registration and identity verification process, as follows:

  • Open (
  • Scan the on-screen QR code with your smartphone
  • Complete the one-time identity verification using your valid identity document

After that, you can use your smartphone and the My Swisscom app to digitally sign documents for your SME and send them to other parties to be signed digitally.

You can invite someone to co-sign a document. Proceed as follows: 

  • Upload the document to or upload using the My Swisscom app
  • Provide the contact details of all relevant parties
  • Position signature fields on the document for all the people you want to sign
  • Pay the cost of your digital signature as well as additional signatures 
  • Each invited person will receive an e-mail with the link to our website. They then scan the QR code with their smartphone and access the document to be signed.
  • If the invited people are not yet registered, they will first need to verify their identity using a valid identity document
  • The invitees sign the document electronically
  • You will receive a confirmation e-mail advising that the signing process has been completed and that the document is ready for download
  • You can now download the signed document and archive it locally

The Swisscom Sign Cockpit is an easy-to-use dashboard that gives administrators an up-to-date overview of ongoing costs and signature processes. You can add more members to your organisation, manage documents together and pay all costs with a centralised payment method.

Need further assistance?

Check out our Help page for answers to the most common questions about using Swisscom Sign for SMEs. If we can assist you with onboarding the solution, please call our support team.