Data & AI Consulting

Data and AI Consulting for value-generating data use 

The growth in data resulting from increasing digitisation offers enormous potential. Our Digital Analytics and Business Intelligence Consulting shows you how to create value from your data. In addition to consulting, AI and Data Consulting from Swisscom also includes implementation for the establishment and further development of analytical data platforms (DWH, data lake, CDP etc.), dashboard and reporting solutions as well as innovative artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) applications.

Data as the key to success 

As digitisation progresses, new data sources are emerging within and outside the company. The generated data contains valuable information that you can use to drive innovation, develop new business models or products or optimise costs. The challenge lies in the integration, analysis, visualisation and interpretation of the data and its incorporation into business processes. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) based on established technologies from renowned manufacturers such as Microsoft, AWS, SAP, Snowflake in conjunction with the cloud offer unprecedented possibilities in this regard.

Turn data into a competitive advantage with Data & AI Consulting from Swisscom. 

Your benefits

  • Better, data-driven bases for decision-making throughout the company
  • Reduced costs through greater, data-driven efficiency
  • New growth as a result of greater transparency with regard to customer behaviour and product usage

When is it the right solution?

Do you want to use data as a basis for business decisions and innovative use cases, but are unsure how to combine and analyse it correctly? Our data & ai consulting will help you visualise and analyse your data in dashboards and reports and use advanced analytics to derive profitable insights. 

Why Swisscom?

  • Expertise: our consulting is based on our experience and methodological expertise.
  • Experience: we know the technologies you require and best practices.
  • Personal: receive our services on site and in your language.

The first step 

At a glance 

Access to the data you need at any time thanks to integration, analysis and the preparation you require. 

Integration analysis diagram

Customer success stories 

Customer situation 

An insurance company needed a 360-degree view of its data for risk calculation, sales management and innovative AI cases such as intelligent chatbots in customer communication. 

Our solution 

Together with the customer, Swisscom developed a cloud-native data warehouse based on Microsoft Azure, including visualisation in Microsoft Power BI. 

Customer situation 

Unstructured texts are a feature of every sector, for example in the form of invoices, performance reports and claims notifications that companies then have to process further. Often manually and with great effort.

Our solution 

Using powerful generative language models (LLMs), we help customers analyse, summarise and create texts of a quality that would have seemed unimaginable until recently.

Customer situation 

A company wanted to automate the recognition of objects in construction site photos. The data was to be used to plan the more efficient use of machines and tools. 

Our solution 

Swisscom’s experts in machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) developed a solution for image analysis and recognition of the material used based on the Microsoft cloud. 

Customer situation 

A health insurance company wanted to further develop its existing Oracle data warehouse and its business intelligence solution for internal data analysis. It needed additional expert support with this. 

Our solution 

Swisscom immediately organised technical support. Its experts worked directly with the customer on the further development, helping to relieve the burden and allowing the health insurance experts to focus on their core business. 

Customer situation 

A medtech company wanted to monitor its production quality data in real time. The aim was to permit a swift response if the quality failed to meet requirements. 

Our solution 

Swisscom set up a big data solution based on the Cloudera platform and Kafka in the Swisscom Cloud and now operates it in accordance with individual customer requirements. 

Customer situation 

A transport company wanted a reliable basis for strategic decisions. As part of this, it wanted to measure the market share on a particular route section. 

Our solution 

As the consultant, Swisscom used its Mobility Insights product to perform a comprehensive analysis of the movements, preparing the specific information required by the customer. 

Customer situation 

A manufacturing company was implementing the SAP S/4HANA ERP system and wanted to ensure that the financial data from the system could be formatted in a visually appealing way and used for important strategic and tactical business decisions

Our solution 

Swisscom implemented SAP S/4HANA in an integration project and used SAP Analytics Cloud to develop a modern and appealing reporting system for the customer on the basis of SAP S/4HANA. 

Customer situation 

A production company needed a solution to display performance data, such as figures relating to quality, output or faults, in a meaningful and comprehensible way. 

Our solution 

In a proof of concept, Swisscom presented the Amazon AWS Cloud as a possible solution for the customer. 

Customer situation 

To automate and personalise its D2C interactions, a major brand in the FMCG industry was faced with a fragmented view of its customers and wanted to federate its data around a clean, homogeneous, segmented view with continuous enrichment capabilities. 

Our solution 

The Salesforce Data Cloud was implemented in the company’s CX ecosystem, in convergence with the Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Sales Cloud and Commerce Cloud, with the specific aim of creating a single source of truth around customers. Legacy systems were decommissioned and martech/adtech tools were replaced with an integrated Salesforce deployment. Customer journeys, such as incentive campaigns or e-commerce transactions, were configured with direct marketing interactions that converted into sales. 

Our experts will be happy to answer your questions. 

Matthias Mohler

Priscila Köster

Tim Giger

Dave Schadock

Joël Thommen

Frédéric Chautems

Certifications and expertise 

SAP Gold Logo
Azure Logo
AWS Logo
Snowflake Logo
Confluent Logo
databricks Logo
salesforce Logo
biGenius Logo

Find out more 


Our experts will be happy to answer your questions. Contact us.