ReThink Conversational AI Workshop

In our interactive workshop, you and our experts will consider how to use artificial intelligence to make your customer service more efficient, resource-saving and customer-friendly, and how to continue developing it in the long term.

Reduce workload, increase satisfaction – ready for digital customer service

Intelligent voice dialogue systems are becoming increasingly powerful and can therefore be applied to ever more use cases, including in specialised areas. Especially in customer service, conversational AI ensures a better customer experience and efficient processes. But the optimal use of conversational AI varies from company to company: what does the use case look like for your company? And how can you use conversational AI to differentiate yourself from your competition? To answer these questions, the workshop is divided into the following parts:

  • Basic overview of conversational AI: Learn how chatbots and virtual assistants work.
  • Practical case studies: Get an in-depth look at real-world examples of how companies have successfully implemented conversational AI.
  • Interactive workshop: Develop and evaluate your own ideas together with our experts.
  • Pilot project plan: Together, we will identify a potential pilot project in your company and outline an implementation plan.

Details of the ReThink Workshop

In a five-hour workshop, you will work with our experts to develop an implementation strategy for conversational AI at your company. The results will be presented to you in a one-hour meeting and will subsequently be made freely available to you in written form.

  • Scoping call: One hour phone call to clarify the workshop content, including any company-specific adjustments.
  • Preparation survey: Survey on your expectations of the workshop and your existing knowledge of conversational AI, to enable us to align the content with the objectives you want to achieve at the workshop in advance.
  • Basics: What exactly is artificial intelligence and how is it used to create value in customer service?
  • Needs analysis and strategy: Together, we explore and evaluate your needs and those of your customers.
  • Developing solutions: Together, we validate the ideas and create solution designs.

After the workshop, you will receive a final report listing and evaluating your most important use cases for conversational AI, a technical and regulatory requirements catalogue based on the available information, and an example project plan for implementing a pilot project tailored to your needs.

You can choose to hold the workshop on your own premises or at Swisscom (Zurich or Berne).

Fixed price: CHF 4'800 (excl. VAT)

Including all expenses, the workshop day with 1-2 experts as well as preparation and follow-up.

Together, and on the basis of our proven customer-centric Rethink method, we will ensure the success of your business transformation.





What happens after your registration 

  1. Register now – then we’ll get in touch with you by phone to find out more about your needs and your company.
  2. During our callback, we will explain the detailed structure of the ReThink workshop, agree the timing with you and adjust the agenda to suit your requirements.
  3. Once you have confirmed this, we will begin our collaboration, schedule the scoping call and send you the preparation survey by e-mail.