Customised Data Center Servicesin secure data centres

  • Data Center Solutions
  • Colocation & Server Housing
  • System Integration

We're happy to help.

Operating your own Data Center Services or data centres is expensive and ties up IT resources.

Why not rely on our technological and service expertise and our proven practical experience instead? Our certified experts will show you how to set up the necessary on-premises, hybrid or cloud-based data centre.

Data Center Services ecosystem

Our comprehensive Data Center Services ensure we can provide you with the right support to update your IT infrastructure, use the latest cloud technologies and seamlessly integrate your systems. 

Harness the practical technological and service expertise of our certified experts. They will integrate infrastructure solutions on a modular basis from our reputable strategic technology partners, such as Cisco, Dell Technologies or VMware, in the cloud or in our secure data centres.  

Data centres and data in Switzerland

When it comes to business-critical applications and data, only the safest is safe enough. Our Swisscom data centres are therefore located in Switzerland with geo-redundancy in Switzerland. If one fails, another steps in and takes over seamlessly. You can continue to work without even noticing. 

Are you looking for a local data centre? Our sites are situated in Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lugano and Zurich (2). They are all high-availability, sustainable and meet the highest security standards. 

We create holistic, end-to-end data centre solutions by integrating servers and data centre networks as well as a hyper-converged infrastructure with other components.

We understand the solutions provided by proven manufacturers and know their strengths. We can therefore use the individual components to create the ideal solution for you.

We operate seven high-availability data centres that meet high security standards. Your data is stored georedundantly and exclusively in Switzerland.

Our Data Center Services and Solutions

How we develop holistic data centre solutions

Speak to us if you are planning to rebuild your IT infrastructure. We provide independent advice and will recommend the right solution for you, irrespective of technology, device or manufacturer.

Advice and design

We will support you from the initial concept through to rollout and will continue to advise you thereafter. Our experts are well versed in the strengths and benefits of every solution, taking a joined-up approach and creating holistic data centre solutions from individual components.


We implement, test, migrate and optimise, creating end-to-end data centre solutions and services that are right for you.


We provide tailored support, 24/7 if required, and adapt our support services to meet your needs.


We operate your IT systems redundantly and therefore without interruption in secure, high-availability data centres in Switzerland.

Concrete examples of the support provided by our Data Center Solutions and Services

The customer requirement

Your IT system has reached the end of its life and can no longer meet the growing demands placed on modern IT systems. The data centre infrastructure must therefore be replaced, overhauled or rebuilt.

Our solution

Our interdisciplinary team of experts designs a high-availability, high-performing, scalable SDN-based infrastructure to underpin your innovative customer services. Your customers and employees can access systems and data more quickly than before, backups are faster, and the administration is more efficient. Moreover, the software-defined network facilitates the provision of automated processes to customers, thereby further improving self-service options.

The customer requirement

Your company has several sites in Switzerland. Depending on your projects, you may also have additional temporary local offices. The work generates large volumes of data, which are used throughout the company. You need a secure and powerful network on which to exchange this data.

Our solution

Cisco ACI (Application Centric Infrastructure) is an advanced software-defined network. Your IT employees can control the network centrally using a dashboard and no longer have to configure the hardware locally. This reduces travel time, shortens response time, reduces the burden on your IT resources and improves long-term efficiency. We design the network with you, roll it out and provide as much support as you need.

The customer requirement

Your customers entrust you with their sensitive data, such as credit card information. This data must be protected. It takes time and IT resources to develop, operate and monitor a secure and high-availability infrastructure to extend your own data centre. You want to outsource this type of task so that you can focus on your core business.

Our solution

With Telehousing metro, you can lease a separate room for your servers and data in one of our data centres. Here, your IT infrastructure is protected from fire, sabotage, water and unauthorised access. Secure access is governed by a multi-stage biometric access system, and any power failures or interruptions are seamlessly bridged by emergency generators. Our experts monitor the data centre around the clock and provide support to your on-site IT specialists.

Our data centres in short

We operate seven data centres in Switzerland for our business customers, where we provide hosting, housing and a comprehensive portfolio of cloud computing and managed services. There is sure to be one in your area: 

  • Basel-Grosspeter
  • Bern-Wankdorf
  • Geneva-Montbrillant
  • Lausanne-Savoie
  • Lugano-Cinque Vie
  • Zurich-Enge
  • Zurich-Herdern
  • Protection from natural disasters, such as earthquakes, flooding or lightning strikes
  • Differentiated security zones with selective biometric access rights
  • Experts providing initial on-site intervention (24/7/365)
  • Optimised processes between IT and infrastructure operators
  • Permanent server and application monitoring by the Operation Control Center in Ittigen
  • Our processes comply with ISO standards 9001, 14001, 14064, 15504 and 27001. The Wankdorf data centre is the first data centre in Switzerland to have received Tier IV certification from the Update Institute(opens in new tab) in recognition of the fact that it meets the highest standards of availability, security and efficiency.
  • In the event of a power outage, all systems continue to run without interruption:
    • Power supply and electricity distribution
    • Ventilation, cooling and air-conditioning systems
    • Measurement, management and control systems
  • Redundant network connections for the data centres and customer networks
  • Rapid adjustment to change, particularly in electrical and air-conditioning supply
  • Georedundant data storage with almost 100% availability during outages thanks to mirrored systems and applications in a second data centre

Sustainability is just as important to us at our seven data centres as performance, security and availability. 

The Wankdorf data centre is a case in point. With a PUE value of 1.3 and over 84% efficiency, this facility is highly energy efficient. The Wankdorf data centre is connected to the City of Bern’s district heating network and feeds waste heat into the network to heat homes and offices. It is cooled using a resource-saving hybrid cooling system (air circulation and evaporation) rather than conventional energy-guzzling cooling plants.  

Our Wankdorf data centre in Bern

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