Portrait Michael Freudiger

Michael Freudiger

Product Manager IT Infrastructure

 The new SDN-based network is the foundation of our digitisation. 

Facts & Figures

December 2019

Firmen Facts:

Company: Mobiliar

Headquarters: Bern

Industry: Insurance

Employees: 5,400

It is not only the contemporary art in the entrance hall of the Mobiliar headquarters in Bern that testifies to the company's great innovative strength. The insurance company is also forging an innovative path in IT. Mobiliar has upgraded its data center infrastructure and implemented an SDN-based solution from Swisscom and Cisco.

The old network was obsolete

The traditional IT infrastructure had reached the end of its life cycle and no longer met the higher requirements of a modern IT system. A high-performance, scalable and fail-safe infrastructure was required to lay the foundation for new and innovative customer services.


The data centre infrastructure had to be completely redesigned from start to finish. Where do you start with such a complex project? Mike Freudiger, Product Manager for IT Infrastructure at Mobiliar, explains how the collaboration worked: “We adopted a pragmatic and targeted approach within an interdisciplinary team of Swisscom and Mobiliar employees. It allowed us to learn a lot from each other and test new ways of working.” There were two major challenges to overcome: a completely new network required extensive security checks but there was no option to restrict ongoing operations, such as the Mobi24 call center, during the implementation.  

Higher performance and faster access

The network environment has been successfully upgraded and the old systems are now being gradually adapted. According to Patrick Hübscher, the first successes are already bearing fruit: “The accesses to our firewalls have enabled us to achieve a performance gain of 10%. In the future, customers and employees will be able to access systems even faster, back-up times will be reduced and administration will be simpler and more efficient for our IT technicians.”


The SDN-based solution will also simplify automated processes and improve customer self-services. With the new SDN-based network environment, Mobiliar has accelerated its digitisation and taken another step towards the cloud while still retaining its customer focus. “Even though we are pushing ahead with new digital products and promoting innovative ideas, personal contact with our customers remains central. At Mobiliar, customers will continue to have a personal contact person to deal with their concerns in the future,” said Patrick Hübscher.

This product is used by Mobiliar

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