Banking as a Service (BaaS)

Core Banking Services deliver IT infrastructure for banks

With the help of Banking as a Service (BaaS), you can remain agile and use your resources to develop new and innovative products. Reduce in-house IT effort by opting for Core Banking Services and benefit from a reliable IT infrastructure, including fail-safe operation and future-oriented scalability.

Banking Platform as a Service – and more

Whether you operate your core banking processes on a platform from Finnova, Avaloq, Olympic, Temenos or in a new system, Swisscom is the partner for you. With more than 100 successfully implemented core banking migrations, we have a unique track record and a wealth of accumulated expertise to support you in every situation. We are number 1 in Switzerland for banking application integration and operation.

Enjoy greater stability, security and efficiency by delegating the operation of your core banking system to our experts. Our expertise in architecture, integration and security is matched only by the resilience of our system landscapes. As a neutral service provider, we offer a free choice of services, with operating models tailored to your individual needs. Increase your competitiveness with additional services like business process outsourcing (BPO), fraud prevention service (FPS), robotic process automation (RPA) and consulting.

When is it the right solution?

If your bank wants to experience the benefits of modern banking platforms without investing in its own human resources or in building or expanding your technology know-how. You are also looking for a reliable cost planning basis for your core banking system.

Stable and agile IT platforms are the basis for efficient banking. As an experienced IT partner, we work to the highest standards of excellence and security. Our established position in the banking sector also means we have the in-depth specialist banking and IT expertise to meet any challenge head on. We provide:

  • A comprehensive managed service (Banking Platform as a Service) or dedicated outsourcing
  • Holistic support, including accommodation of regulatory adjustments, BPO, archiving, architecture etc.
  • Innovative further developments of the banking platforms with participation in Swisscom innovations

Your benefits

  • More time to focus on your core business
  • Efficient processes based on the latest tech know-how
  • Reliable core banking from the leading core banking system provider

Core Banking Services – our offer

Our Core Banking Services

For 20 years, we have been offering banks comprehensive services for their core banking systems.Choose the services you need.

Possible applications

What can we do for you?

React quickly and effectively to the changing habits and needs of your customers – and anticipate market changes in good time. Our Core Banking Services will help you become more agile. Read three examples here.

Your requirement

You want to get the most out of your Avaloq banking system.

How we can help you

  • Development and consulting
  • Application management
  • Release upgrade services
  • Additional services: improving performance, audit-compliant archiving, efficient data migration

Your requirement

You have taken over a bank and want to integrate its customer data into your existing core banking solution.

How we can help you

  • Migration project for the transferred customer data
  • Integration of customer data into Swisscom’s existing core banking platform

Your requirement

Your core banking system will soon reach the end of its life cycle. You need a replacement.

How we can help you

  • Evaluation of potential new core banking systems, taking account of all providers
  • Planning, specification and project implementation
  • Stable operation of the new platform as well as support by our experts

Our Core Banking Radar analyses

Core Banking Radar: comparison of system manufacturers

In terms of the traditional core banking features, the systems commonly used in Switzerland are closely matched. However, there are big differences in terms of sales or consulting and the use of peripheral systems.

Development of core banking systems in Switzerland – a market overview

The eight most relevant core banking systems for Switzerland were asked about their changes over the last four to five years.

Leveris: banks at the heart of digital ecosystems

Irish manufacturer Leveris has developed a new core banking platform from scratch. The platform puts banks at the centre of digital ecosystems, thus enabling new, data-based business models.

SolitX: new approach with smart financial contracts

The Swiss software manufacturer Ariadne Business Analytics is introducing a new approach to system support for banks in the core banking systems market.

Mambu: Core Banking with SaaS

Composable Banking for a flexible and modular core banking system.

From modular bank to Tuum

Tuum was developed to offer the most comprehensive range of banking functionalities possible.

Vault Core – a hyper-configurable neo-core banking system from Thought Machine

Vault Core: microservices-based architecture, open API and smart contracts promising performance and independence, in terms of operating model and processes.

SaaScada – data-driven, customisable core banking system

SaaScada relies on an agnostic core and open APIs to ensure that first-class financial solutions are available to all.

"There will be an increased push towards open architectures and platforms."

Clemens Eckert and Thomas Zerndt in an interview about their views on developments in the core banking system market in Switzerland.

Digital ecosystems of core banking manufacturers

This systematic analysis was developed in cooperation with the Business Engineering Institute St. Gallen (BEI).

How satisfied are you with your system support?

In the course of digitisation, the main concerns for banks are regulatory frameworks, innovative trends and operational cost pressure.

Neo Core Banking Systems and their importance for the IT Architecture of the future

This article looks at system support for banks and what it will look like in future in an increasingly connected world.

Why Swisscom?

Market leader for banking platforms:

serving over 40 retail, regional and private banks

Up-to-date expertise:

thanks to the continuous training of our 300 experts

Neutral IT service provider:

also open to new systems; actively supports market developments

Our experts will be happy to answer your questions. Contact us.