SMEs are a popular target as their IT systems are often insufficiently protected. If you require assistance following a hacker attack, a professional response is vital as an ill-considered move may result in even further damage to the company. In order to make the right decisions under pressure and swiftly mitigate the damage to the company, you need experienced, well-trained professionals. Should you experience a cyber emergency, call us so that our team of cybersecurity experts can immediately analyse your situation and provide guidance.
Out of nowhere, your IT and the daily operations of your SME are paralysed. Your online shop is no longer available, and data cannot be accessed. The only accessible document is the instructions for where to pay the ransom to escape this horror scenario. Our experienced team of experts are there for your SME for precisely this type of cyber attack. The team analyses the situation as quickly as possible and provides you with a firm basis for making informed decisions and taking appropriate action.
Your SME has been infected during a cyber attack, for example by ransomware. Operations come to a standstill and your data is no longer available. Your data will only be decrypted once a ransom demand has been paid.
As soon as a confirmed attack is reported by the customer, Swisscom’s cybersecurity experts analyse the attack vectors and contain the systems affected. We help you to remove malware and restore operations.