State-of-the-art tools maximise efficiency when working in the office, at home or on the move, supporting hybrid working models, simplifying communication and promoting collaboration. If you want to introduce modern ways of working at your company, we’re with you every step of the way. We’ll help you arrange the necessary Microsoft licences, do all the configuration, integrate the solutions into your IT infrastructure, train your employees and ensure end-to-end security. In no time at all, you will have rolled out the new ways of working, positioned yourself as an attractive employer and increased productivity.

Harness potential, maximise security, empower employees 

A powerful platform with over 200 tools, the Microsoft ecosystem enables your employees to work productively in the office, at home and on the move. We’ll show you the benefits for your company, illustrate application scenarios, support you with licensing and manage the rollout for you. 
For the rollout, our primary focus will be on configuration and integrating the platform with your IT and telephony systems. Microsoft solutions meet the highest security standards and permit granular security settings. We take care of the configuration to ensure that your Microsoft environment meets your data protection and security requirements. We also offer complementary security services for the holistic protection of your data and systems. 
Technology only boosts productivity if employees make the most of it. We give your employees the necessary training on the Microsoft ecosystem and facilitate cultural transformation at your company. 

Your benefits with Swisscom

Full support

We are with you all the way, from the initial decision through to rollout and beyond. We want to equip you for the future and ensure that you gain maximum benefit from your modern work tools. 

Integrated with your IT systems

We integrate the Microsoft solutions seamlessly with your existing infrastructure, including cloud, network, communication and security. Our modular, optimally coordinated package of services is unique in Switzerland.

End-to-end security 

We offer end-to-end IT security – that’s why, in addition to the licences, we also complete the configuration, provide additional security services and provide any necessary security training for employees.

New Way of Working for your SME

Discover now

SME IT Solution

 Microsoft 365 is offered as part of our integrated, modular IT solution, including Internet, network, security, telephony and training videos for employees.  

Microsoft 365

Licences, installation, activation and support.

Teams telephony

You can also use Microsoft Teams for your telephony and integrate your landline and mobile numbers.

Microsoft 365 training

Employee training to demonstrate everything that M365 can do.  

Future Work Consulting

Support with change management plus individual training concepts to facilitate cultural transformation at your company.  

Microsoft 365 Copilot

With Microsoft Copilot on board, you can revolutionise employee productivity and gain a competitive edge.

Everything you need to know about New Way of Working for SMEs

How companies benefit from Microsoft Copilot for M365

Discover how Copilot for M365 optimises business processes, increases efficiency and integrates AI into your Microsoft environment.

Work Smart Dossier

Mehr Fokus und Effizienz, aber wie?

Unzählige Gewohnheiten und Ablenkungen lassen uns täglich zig-fach den Fokus verlieren: Wir sind mit viel zu vielen Informationen überlastet, werden auf mehreren Kanälen von unseren Kollegen kontaktiert und so regelmässig in unserer Arbeit unterbrochen.

Unser Dossier mit Arbeitshilfen für die Praxis unterstützt Sie dabei, mehr Fokus und Effizienz zu erreichen:

  • So werden Sie schlechte Gewohnheiten los – Arbeitshilfe für mehr Fokus und Effizienz
  • Die dreifache, digitale Überlastung und wie wir sie erfolgreich meistern – Praxispapier der Experten Beat Bühlmann und Graham Allcott
  • Spielregeln für die Zusammenarbeit im Team – eine Workshop-Vorlage

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Checkliste für Online-Meetings

Mit einer soliden Vorbereitung gelingen Online-Meetings garantiert. Wir haben für Sie die wichtigsten Punkte in einer Checkliste zusammengefasst.


Lernen Sie, wie Sie mit Hilfe von einfachen Schritten im Homeoffice fokussierter arbeiten. Unser E-Learning hilft Ihnen dabei und gibt Ihnen nützliche Tipps für Ihren Alltag.


Drei Beispiele, wie Mitarbeitende die Datensicherheit umgehen

Umständliche Sicherheitsrichtlinien sind im stressigen Arbeitsalltag oft im Weg. Sie werden daher oft umschifft oder nicht eingehalten. Daraus ergeben sich jedoch Sicherheitsprobleme. Unser Praxispapier zeigt:

  • Warum IT-Sicherheit benutzerfreundlich sein muss, damit Richtlinien einhalten werden.
  • Drei Beispiele, wie Mitarbeitende unbewusst die Datensicherheit untergraben deren Konsequenzen.
  • Wie eine moderne IT-Umgebung Sicherheitsrisken reduziert und sicherheitsbewusstes Arbeiten massiv vereinfacht.

Jetzt kostenlos anfordern

Der Download-Link wird Ihnen umgehend per E-Mail zugeschickt.

Discover why SMEs rely on digital workplaces from Swisscom

Your challenge

You are looking for secure, reliable infrastructure that is tailored to your requirements. With an experienced partner that can provide what you need.

Our solution

Our offering is highly flexible and specifically tailored to the needs of SMEs, giving you easy access to the world of modern, digital workplaces. Sourcing your IT infrastructure from Swisscom gives you the benefit of up-to-date expert knowledge and the latest technology at the lowest cost.

Your challenge

You are looking for tools that enable your employees to work together efficiently from different locations. Security and availability are also extremely important to you.

Our solution

Our reliable and proven IT tools enable your employees to work together efficiently. Data can be accessed and processed from anywhere 24/7 without compromising on security. You enjoy the latest standards in communication, opening up innovative opportunities.

Your challenge

You are looking for reliable, highly secure data storage that can be accessed by your employees from anywhere and at any time – to simplify everyday work for your employees and improve their flexibility.

Our solution

With our secure, highly available systems, you can access your business data wherever you are and whenever you want to. What’s more, our experts in cloud and security are on hand to provide help and advice.

Your challenge

You are looking for expertise and simple practical ways to use digital workplaces. You want to increase the productivity of your employees and generally facilitate everyday work at the SME.

Our solution

Our practical tips and advice on Microsoft 365 and our many years of experience will help to simplify day-to-day work for your SME and your employees, increasing productivity and employee satisfaction at the same time.

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