Mobility ecosystem for Switzerland

IoT power for B2B-, B2C- and B2B2C business: autoSense in the fast lane

autoSense offers private and business customers IoT-based connectivity solutions for individual vehicles and entire fleets - and it is continuously expanding its smart business model. Among others, the Häsler Group in Aargau benefits from this, saving a lot of money, thanks to the digital driver logbook.

Text: Anton Neuenschwander, BTK GmbH, Image: Michael Meier, january 23,

Over 5.1 million passenger and transport vehicles were registered in Switzerland in 2021. What if you could secure pole position for smart networking solutions in this huge market? This was the goal that autoSense set out with in 2018 - and since then it has picked up a lot of speed.

An IoT platform, an adapter and an app – and you're ready to go

A networked car is a more comfortable, economical and ecological vehicle. This is the experience that thousands of customers have had who use the services of autoSense. For example, when refuelling: The autoSense app shows them the nearest Migrol and selected Shell petrol stations. The refuelling process, including payment, is then handled completely digitally and conveniently via the app. Depending on your needs, further functions can be activated on the app: from the digital driver logbook to vehicle location, a tampering alarm and vehicle diagnostics. What's more, users can analyse their driving style via the app and make it more sustainable. Or calculate the CO2 emissions and compensate them automatically. Or calculate the vehicle value.

The only hardware component required for this is the slim autoSense adapter, which is really easy to connect to the vehicle's OBD-II port. It transmits the vehicle data to the IoT platform. Together with its partner Swisscom, autoSense will turn the adapter into a mobile WiFi hotspot - or connect it to the Swisscom inOne mobile subscription of the users in the future, who will therefore benefit from the data volume of their subscription.

The autoSense adapter can be connected to the vehicle's OBD-II port

The slim autoSense adapter can be connected easily to the vehicle's OBD-II port..  

IoT enables new business models

The autoSense IoT platform is the foundation of an holistic Swiss mobility ecosystem that is constantly expanding. Partner companies can dock onto it with manageable effort, in order to offer their services and products to autoSense users via the autoSense app. Numerous partners are already on board, and more are joining all the time. Examples: EasyPark for cashless parking, the pay-per-kilometre insurance simpego, AMAG with garage service and leasing services, the expense tool Edi from HR Campus, the Zurich Help Point claims assistant, and so on. These examples highlight the immense potential of the Internet of Things. IoT has not only enabled autoSense to develop and successfully establish an innovative business model. Partner companies can also tap into new customer groups for their services thanks to IoT - or even launch new, IoT-based products. The boundaries between B2B, B2C and B2B2C are becoming fluid.

Man in a car uses the autoSense app.

autoSense App


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«Swisscom is certainly leading the way when it comes to understanding IoT technology.»

Nicolas Noth, CMO at autoSense

Strong backbone of Swisscom: Connectivity and IoT know-how

autoSense benefits from the IoT expertise of Swisscom, which promotes its data-driven business model. Nicolas Noth is CMO at autoSense. For him, the success of his company is significantly linked to the commitment of Swisscom: "First of all, of course, because Swisscom launched autoSense three years ago. Add to this the reliable connectivity that Swisscom offers nationwide - which is key to our services. And finally, the innovative strength regarding IoT is very convincing. Swisscom is certainly leading the way when it comes to understanding IoT technology." His summary: For companies creating IoT-based business models, Swisscom is a good address.

Dani Stutz speaks with a smile about the IoT-based fleet management solution of the Häsler Group.

Dani Stutz on the benefits of the autoSense solution: «We estimate that we save between 250,000 and 500,000 francs a year.»

Häsler Group: profitable transparency with digital driver's logbook

The Häsler Group is the leading provider of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and sanitary solutions in Aargau. It has been using a digital driver's logbook via the autoSense fleet solution for around ten months now. "We benefit from their commitment on various levels," said Dani Stutz, commercial manager of the company. "In discussions with customers, it provides us with convincing factual arguments. With the data, we can prove that the travel expenses and labour hours charged are justified. The logbook makes it visible, for example, from when to when exactly a fitter was working on the construction site - or what distance he travelled to get there." Dani Stutz added that the digital logbook also helped to create clarity within the company: "It supports us in making working hours more transparent."


Dani Stutz was satisfied with the fleet solution of autoSense: "The system works very well. And autoSense customized our reports so we can process them efficiently." Last but not least, the economic impact is significant: "Since the autoSense system has been in operation in our 176 vehicles, we estimate that we save between 250,000 and 500,000 Swiss francs a year thanks to the transparency gained."

A service technician of the Häsler Group writes down his work hours in the report book in front of his delivery van.

Service technician Marcello Thoma – his van is always on the road.

autoSense – an innovation of Swisscom

Founded in 2018 by Swisscom, the company is now owned equally by Swisscom, AMAG and Zurich Insurance. It offers private and business customers intelligent IoT-based connectivity solutions for individual vehicles and fleets. The open ecosystem platform of autoSense enables a wide range of services from partner companies - such as refuelling and parking with the smartphone app, garage services or usage-based insurance.


> More about autoSense