Felix Wirth

Head of Shared Services

Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund (MGB)

From the signing of the contract to the live launch it was only three and a half months – and everything worked perfectly.

Facts & Figures

Februar 2020

Firmen Facts:

Firmenname: MGB (Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund)

Branche: Detailhandel

Project Facts:

  • Automatisierte Rechnungsverarbeitung
  • Digitalisierung

Consolidated process for the entire Migros Group

In the autumn of 2016, the decision was taken to implement an optimised architecture for all incoming and outgoing invoice formats and channels. This was to be extended to the entire Migros Group. The stated objective was to base the entire processing of incoming and outgoing invoices on a new and consistently digital solution.


It was very important for MGB to find the right supplier to provide the services envisaged. There were some foreign companies tendering, but MGB preferred to go with a local provider – one that would provide the best possible service and an impeccable standard of quality, while speaking the same language. At the end of November 2018 the first project was launched, involving the digitalisation of operating accounts. This went live soon afterwards in March 2019. "From the signing of the contract to the live launch it was only three and a half months – and everything worked perfectly," says Felix Wirth, Head of Shared Services at MGB.


Cost reduction thanks to structured and efficient processing

Felix Wirth is emphatic in his judgment: "We deliberately chose to go with Conextrade, as an established full-service provider. Conextrade has excellent references, and we were able to build up a good relationship based on trust. They showed that their digitalised process would offer a good cost to benefit ratio. Conextrade has met our requirements completely, with everything coming from a single source."


Conextrade’s "E-Invoicing", "Scanning2E-Invoicing" and "PDF2E-Invoicing" services give MGB a digital basis for the processing of all creditor invoices. This results in greater efficiency and transparency, as well as lasting cost benefits. Throughput times for the entire invoicing process have been cut radically. And MGB has also been able to achieve a sustainable reduction in process costs, based on dispensing with the manual entry of paper invoices and the introduction of a consistent process. Paperless processing moreover contributes to sustainability and helps protect the environment. Felix Wirth expresses himself fully satisfied. "We have achieved our goal," he states. "Any future innovations affecting processes will also be implemented by Conextrade. So, all in all it has taken a whole load off our shoulders."


These products are used by Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund