‘Commercial exchanges at full tilt.’

Thanks to Swisscom Conextrade, data collection is no longer a problem and Aligro now has very short response times when ordering from suppliers. 

Success Story Aligro (Demaurex & Cie SA)           4 min.

  • Name: Aligro (Demaurex & Cie SA)
  • Location: Chavannes-près-Renens
  • Division: Wholesale and retail
  • 100,000 orders
  • 70,000 invoices
  • 80,000 delivery notices via Conextrade
  • CHF 4.- saving on each manual inputting

The pioneer in the wholesale sector in Switzerland has seen the simplification and acceleration of collaboration with suppliers due to the use of Conextrade. This Swisscom service, in which Aligro invested its confidence in 2007, has enabled a real added value due to the digitisation of technical processes such as orders and invoicing. Now directly linked to its suppliers’ ERP systems, the company is satisfied that its commercial exchanges have been made considerably more rapid and easy.

Digitisation and new levels of performance

“The double entry of data formerly operated in our systems and in those of suppliers is no more, thanks to Conextrade”, Stephan Caïtucoli, SAP manager is pleased to be able to say, In fact, given that Aligro in particular offers its clients a large range of fresh and ultra-fresh products, the response time is minimal when this involves placing an order with a supplier before ten o’clock, to guarantee delivery the next day. Numerous manual processes, generating high costs, were necessary in the context of this permanent contact maintained by Aligro with its suppliers. And the lead times that were sometimes protracted, which was sometimes an aspect of the invoicing phase, were further compounded by a certain lack of transparency.

‘Conextrade has taken on a large part of the technical exchanges with our suppliers.’

Stephan Caïtucoli, SAP Manager, Aligro (Demaurex & Cie SA)

Promise of further developments

By means of this Swisscom interface, which has digitised these processes, Conextrade communicates directly with Aligro’s ERP system, while Edifact (the international data exchange standard), is also managed by the solution. “Management of the workflow of invoices and their checking, which had always been managed manually, could also become one of the Conextrade evolutions, with this system being scheduled for imminent digitisation”, comments Stephan Caïtucoli, who is also very pleased with the very real level of efficiency of interactions with a portion of suppliers that are also equipped with Conextrade.

“The potential for collaboration, in the long term, promises still further advances.” Furthermore, in 2017, Aligro was able to consolidate its position in the German-speaking Swiss market by adding, in Conextrade, CC Anghern’s ERP system. The acquisition of this new company took place without its own digital processes having to be re-worked or adapted to the pre-existing co-ordination.

Advantages with Swisscom

A tangible improvement in productivity and much less administrative work: the opportunity to focus our attention on other sectors that are important for our business.

A saving on the - formally manual - inputting of 80,000 delivery notices and invoices recorded each year.

An evolving vision will always require the digitising solutions that Conextrade will continue to provide for us.

These products are used by Aligro

Conextrade: For e-invoicing, e-procurement and eBill

With Conextrade, Swisscom offers a platform for automating your invoicing and ordering processes, such as accounts payable workflows.

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