Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG digitises the invoice receipt process with Conextrade, significantly improving accounting efficiency.
Success story Pilatus Group 4 min
Swiss aircraft manufacturer Pilatus has completely digitalised the process for its incoming invoices using Conextrade from Swisscom. And the additional conversion of the invoice data from the header level to the item level has made the processes significantly more efficient, now requiring only a small amount of work.
In the past, Pilatus manually scanned all incoming paper invoices. After this, the data was extracted using OCR software, processed, and transferred to the SAP system. Because a time-consuming upgrade of the OCR software was pending and the application was not even satisfactory, Pilatus went looking for a more efficient and more economical solution. Pilatus decided to make use of the opportunities provided by digitalisation.
Since 2005, Pilatus has been using purely electronic, VAT-compliant invoices from Conextrade. This E-Invoicing service is further enhanced by the Scanning2E-Invoicing service. It has enabled Pilatus to outsource the entire paper process to Conextrade, from the PO box and the work preparation, to the OCR process and post-processing. The company thus benefits from VAT-compliant, electronic invoicing receipt, regardless of the original format of the invoice (electronic, paper, PDF), and the processing workload is reduced.
With e-invoicing from Conextrade we can...
"...process 65,000 invoices per year with two employees. With paper invoices, five employees were required for 30,000 invoices."
The greatest benefits are...
"...shorter processing times, applying discounts and minimal settlement work for the monthly statements."
Only Swisscom can...
"...offer all services in the incoming invoice process from a single source."