Security- and Compliance-Monitoring with Audit Guard

Audit Guard brings transparency to handling sensitive data 

There is often a lack of transparency in dealing with sensitive data: who did what, when and where?

However, this transparency is just as important for proving compliance as it is for data theft. Companies therefore need a tool to log any access to sensitive data and alert them to breaches.

Monitoring for compliance and security

For regulatory and legal reasons, companies need to know how sensitive and special categories of personal data are processed. Audit Guard can log all access by employees and systems. This gives companies transparency and allows them to document processing and storage. As well as a prerequisite to verifying adherence to compliance requirements and legal or regulatory provisions, the log can also be used to show whether and which sensitive information is affected in the event of a data leak.

When is it the right solution?

Despite heterogeneous, complex infrastructures, companies need transparency when it comes to processing of sensitive data. Legal requirements, regulations and compliance demands mean that IT managers must be able to prove that personal customer information, health data and other personal details have always been handled correctly.

To meet these requirements, you to need to monitor and log any access to sensitive data. This helps you regain control and transparency whilst meeting your compliance requirements. Monitoring also makes it easier to provide data protection evidence during security audits, which improves data protection.

Your benefits

  • Transparency through traceable access to sensitive data
  • Fulfilment of compliance requirements by providing the required evidence
  • Monitoring data protection through a warning system for security breaches

The first step

Audit Guard overview

The Swisscom I-MARS security concept

The Swisscom I-MARS security concept is designed to facilitate transparency, measurability and comprehensive control for protecting sensitive data. It includes Audit Guard and the Data Loss Prevention service that prevents unwanted data leakage. Swisscom also uses these services to handle sensitive data. Would you also like to control sensitive data access and handling in your company?

Why Swisscom?


Our industry-optimised, proven policies ensure optimum protection.

Based in Switzerland

Monitoring and data processing are carried out exclusively in Switzerland.

Managed Service

Save yourself the trouble of operating your own monitoring system with our Managed Service.

Find out more

White paper

Data Loss Prevention

The white paper tells you how to use DLP to prevent unwanted data leakage.


Interaction between people and technology

Read in the article how technology and employees interact in DLP.

Our experts will be happy to answer your questions. Contact us.