Operational excellence in healthcare

Maximise efficiency in healthcare with process automation

Optimise your healthcare services, increase efficiency and improve patient care.

Digitalisation is key to simplifying complex processes in the varied healthcare landscape. Process automation represents an important step on this journey. It helps achieve greater operational efficiency, lower costs and competitive positioning. Harness the full potential of automation and improve patient care by streamlining processes.

The benefits of process automation

Several recent studies have highlighted the advantages of e-health solutions. A 2021 study conducted by McKinsey Digital and ETH Zurich found that e-health solutions, including automation, represent around CHF 2.7 billion in potential savings for the Swiss healthcare system.

And in a 2024 Swiss IT study by Computerworld, automation was named a key factor in driving forward the digital transformation, alongside digitalising and documenting business processes and improving internal data use. Let us help you transition to the digital healthcare era.

When is it the right solution?

Managing patient data, appointments, billing, prescriptions and other administrative tasks presents a major challenge for the healthcare sector. These processes are often time consuming, prone to error and burdensome for your staff. With automation, you can digitalise, simplify and better observe compliance policies.

Repetitive, rules-based processes are ideal candidates for automation.

Automated processes can help healthcare institutions improve their overall competitiveness, availability and security. Not only does automation improve connectivity with other service providers and service transparency, but it also enhances the patient experience.

Patients receive faster, more personalised care, enjoy greater security and are more involved in their treatment. Automation thus contributes to higher quality and satisfaction levels for everyone involved.

Your benefits

  • Efficiency and increased competitiveness
  • Greater employee satisfaction and lower staff turnover
  • An improved patient experience

Your first step

Anwendungsfälle der Prozessautomatisierung

Für die Automatisierung eignen sich vor allem standardisierte und zeitaufwändige sowie sich wiederholende Abläufe in medizinischen Einrichtungen.

Durch Automatisierung können Patientendaten effizient erfasst und Termine besser koordiniert werden, was zu einer verbesserten Patientenbetreuung führt und das Verwaltungspersonal entlastet.

Die Automatisierung von Abrechnungsverfahren minimiert manuelle Fehler, beschleunigt den Prozess und sorgt für eine genauere, effizientere Abwicklung von Patientenkonten.

Mit automatierter Datenverwaltung können Gesundheitsinformationen sicher gespeichert, leicht abgerufen und effektiv verwaltet werden, was zur Verbesserung der Patientenversorgung und der Datenschutzcompliance beiträgt.

Automatisierte Medikamentenverwaltung optimiert den Prozess der Medikamentenabgabe, verbessert die Patientensicherheit und reduziert das Risiko von Medikationsfehlern.

Automatisierte Prozesse helfen dabei, die Einhaltung aller relevanten gesetzlichen Vorschriften und Standards sicherzustellen, was wiederum das Risiko von Compliance-Verstössen minimiert.

Why Swisscom?

In-depth industry expertise

We have dozens of industry specialists with long-standing knowledge of the healthcare sector and considerable methodological expertise.

Holistic approach

Our end-to-end process view allows a strong customer focus in all workflows and processes.

Digitalisation as a core competency

As an ICT solution provider, we have a complete overview with our own network, dedicated tools, experience and proximity to the customers.

‘Automation significantly reduces administrative effort for hospital staff, giving them more time to focus on the patient and improve treatment quality.’

Christian Westerhoff, Head of Vertical Healthcare, Swisscom

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