Cloud Blueprints

Cloud Blueprints – best practice for your cloud strategy

You need a reliable plan if you want to enter the cloud easily and quickly – and work with it successfully.

With our Cloud Blueprints, you use best practices that shorten your integration projects and also plan for a possible exit right from the start. So you always stay independent and flexible.

Cloud compliance including cloud exit strategy

If you want to outsource business processes and customer data to the cloud, you need a sound foundation for decision-making that encompasses industry-specific regulations and data protection laws. Our Cloud Compliance Consulting & Advisory looks at all the relevant aspects of outsourcing, data storage and processing in a public cloud.

We work with you to develop an architecture that deals with all the legal and technical hurdles, plus any security and compliance issues – even for companies in the highly regulated financial sector (FSI). The Infrastructure as Code (IaC) of our fully automated FSI architecture blueprints comes into play here. These are ideal for a lean start-up phase and can be extended to meet the growing requirements of your company.

When is it the right solution?

Looking for a simple, fast and clear transition to the cloud? Keen to shorten integration projects while ensuring compliance and a secure cloud landing zone? Are vendor independence and a clear exit scenario important to you?

Cloud Blueprints from Swisscom ensure you won’t encounter any surprises – just a high level of project experience and legal security.

Our collaboration with established partners allows us to access an excellent, experienced partner ecosystem so we always remain independent of the cloud provider and avoid a costly vendor lock-in.

You can rely on our expertise from the numerous projects we have successfully implemented and introduced in the financial service industry (FSI) and beyond, which are incorporated into our Cloud Blueprints. We rely on automation for efficient cloud governance of your public cloud and use Infrastructure as Code (IaC) to manage cloud infrastructure resources.

Your benefits:

  • Architecture blueprints mean you can significantly shorten your cloud project to just a few days
  • Full automation and easy customisation thanks to Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
  • Covers all the aspects required for robust decision-making, including an exit plan

Take the first step now

Components of Cloud Blueprints

Cloud Compliance Consulting & Advisory

Modular consulting provides regulated companies with a sound basis for decision-making on migration to the public cloud.

FSI Architecture Blueprint with Azure

Get business cases up and running quickly with Infrastructure as a Code (IaC), FSI compliance and Microsoft Azure expertise.

Cloud Exit Framework

Avoid unnecessary dependencies on your cloud provider and keep lock-in risks to a minimum.

Why Swisscom?


Accelerated project implementation thanks to customisable, field-tested best practices.


Proven partner ecosystem for compliance and on-demand access to expert knowledge.


Very broad and in-depth project experience in the Swiss market, including FSI.

Our experts will be happy to answer your questions. Contact us.