Server hosting, application and database outsourcing 

Gain time for your business with Managed Outsourcing Services

Want your IT, server and application landscape to work well in a hybrid setup?

Our team of specialists ensures secure operation and continuous optimisation of your complex, hybrid IT environment. You always maintain full operational control. 

We plan, integrate, operate and monitor

Your IT environment must keep pace with your business – and even enable new customer experiences. Hybrid environments, with their high flexibility and scalability, are the key to success.

But their increasing complexity raises questions: What are the manpower and budget investments to stay on the ball for the long term? How do you ensure maximum availability? What does it take to meet the required security standards and regulations? Who is responsible for data protection?

Server hosting, application management outsourcing and more

Nowadays, continuous development, experience and expert knowledge are indispensable. You are guaranteed all of this with Swisscom’s Managed Outsourcing Services.

We guarantee secure operation and ongoing optimisation of your IT and application landscape in a hybrid setup. Every aspect is clearly regulated in defined SLAs, leaving your company to focus entirely on its core capabilities – with the backing of a powerful IT engine.

When is it the right solution?​

Your company sees hybrid sourcing as a catalyst for dynamic business and wants to capitalise on this opportunity. The combination of different providers seems like the perfect approach. But the interplay between ongoing operations, data integration and new applications presents you with a significant challenge.

You know your own IT department does not have the resources to develop and operate the infrastructure in a hybrid environment. With Managed Outsourcing Services, you can free up time for you and your employees.

New technologies only bring your business forward if they are intelligently managed: the benefit should always outweigh the cost. You don’t want to leave anything to chance when it comes to security, and your core services have to be permanently available.

Your benefits:

  • Free up time to focus on your business by delegating your IT to Swisscom
  • Maintain operational control through transparent services and costs
  • Holistic portfolio approach for integrated hybrid solutions

Our quotation for Managed Outsourcing Services

Managed Outsourcing Services – the modules

Our network caters to the specific needs of your company and provides reliable connectivity in the sourcing environment. You benefit from the expertise of our specialists and receive services that are precisely tailored to your requirements. 

  • Data centres: Tier IV dual architecture as the de facto standard, bank-certified infrastructure, complete redundancy of all components
  • Data centre connectivity: reliable and securely functioning, needs-based networks
  • Enhanced connectivity: protection for your data centre resources, secure integration with partner networks or cloud-based enhancements

With us, support, operation and maintenance of your IT infrastructure are in the best hands. Data supply is the heart of your company and we keep it beating.

  • Hosting services – our portfolio for virtual, dedicated and custom servers for all standard operating systems, based on state-of-the-art technology.
  • Storage and backup services: secure storage of your data, reliable data backup and recovery, fully-compliant data archiving.
  • File services: file servers with guaranteed performance, storage & backup, integrated malware protection, audit log to suit your requirements

Our specialists take responsibility for the professional and economical operation of the platform for your applications and databases, allowing you to focus on your core business. We take a proactive approach to database and application management, keeping your databases and applications up to date throughout their entire life cycle.

  • Operating systems from Microsoft, Redhat, Oracle and IBM
  • Middleware from Java, Microsoft, Apache, JBoss and IBM
  • Database solutions from Oracle, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, IBM DB2, MySQL and MS SQL

Wow your customers with modern digital processes and offerings. We tailor your customer interaction to your needs. 

  • IT service management: transparency in your processes, an overview of all your IT services
  • Account management: our experts know all the latest ICT customer solutions and their potential
  • Consulting: in-depth advice on all IT topics – from digital strategy development and process optimisation to the optimal technology mix

Our Security Services cover the entire spectrum of Managed Outsourcing Services. As a leading specialist in cyber security, we ensure the highest levels of security for you and your customers worldwide. Your networks, data centres, and clouds are optimally protected from the dangers of cyberspace.

  • IT security management: optimal protection courtesy of security outsourcing services and 24/7 security from the Swisscom Security Operation Center in Switzerland
  • IT business continuity management: ensuring business continuity in exceptional locations
  • Certification & reports: guaranteeing quality on the basis of certified processes and reports; internally operated control systems from Swisscom with annual external auditing to international standards

Why Swisscom?​

Attractive prices

Thanks to shared, highly scalable solutions with a flexible pricing model


With built-in security and multi-certified security processes


A contact based in Switzerland, even for global hyperscaler services

What our customers say

Want to find out more?

Managing Multi Cloud: the most important aspects

We’ll show you how to operate multiple clouds reliably and economically.

MSM study: Multi Cloud Switzerland 2020

The most important insights into ICT operations and Multi Cloud at Swiss companies.

More time for your core business

When does outsourcing make most sense? Ante Juric, Head of Project Management Infrastructure Solutions at Swisscom, has answers.

Leading managed service provider

As evidenced by the ISG Provider Lens 2020 study, Swisscom remained the leading Swiss cloud provider in 2020.


With energy-efficient Managed Outsourcing Services, you can do without your own servers and thus reduce your carbon footprint.

Our experts will be happy to answer your questions. Contact us.