Cyber Defence Workshop: status of your IT security

How well are you protected against security incidents?

Determine your IT protection requirements.

What you can look forward to in our workshop

  •    Analysis of the current situation
  •    Joint gap analysis
  •    Roadmap for required measures

Companies must constantly question their IT security strategy and adapt it in line with the new challenges. With the cyber defence workshop, we support you in revising the concepts and reviewing the implementation status with specific recommendations for action.

How well are you really protected?

Is your IT security concept still up to date? Is the handling of sensitive data defined? Are all aspects covered that are specified by the regulator? The workshop provides information on the current state of cyber defence and provides a roadmap for possible measures. 

Structure of the cyber defence workshop

We will conduct the workshops together with you, which are structured as follows. The duration and exact content are defined in advance together.

Analysis of the current situation

In this phase we want to understand exactly what is already in place and implemented and also how. Furthermore, this phase covers the regulatory provisions. The more comprehensive the exchange of information is in this phase, the better we can advise you.

Requirements and Gap Analysis

This phase serves to highlight the specific protection requirements of your company and identify any deficiencies. From this, we derive a catalogue of measures together as well as a possible implementation plan. 

Decision basis for "Make or Buy"

If necessary, we can support you in this phase in deciding whether to implement certain measures yourself, purchase them as a service, or pursue a hybrid strategy.

What happens after registration


Defining the approach

Provision of an offer

Carry out workshops

Prepare the results

Book workshop

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