Data paves the way to innovation

Trendpaper 2021

In order to achieve the transformation to a data-driven business, a rethink is required – with regard to business processes, customer understanding and the willingness to innovate. In the current trend study, we highlight a variety of applications where data is creating improvement and innovation.


Digitisation is not magic. Discover how data adds value with five examples:


  • Data creates transparency: analytics instead of gut feeling
  • Data increases efficiency: this is how you can better support employees
  • Data creates security: from prevention to tracking
  • Data drives innovation: instigate changes in a targeted manner
  • Cloud computing: the central basis for data business
With this trend study which we have prepared in cooperation with the consulting and analyst firm PAC, we would like to encourage companies to take the step towards data-driven business. Come and be inspired.

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Business and IT manager

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Fachtiefe 2: intermediate

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