Enterprise Application Cloud

Giving you the freedom to focus on developing

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The Enterprise Application Cloud offers a secure, efficient environment in which to develop and run applications.

With this powerful Platform as a Service (Managed PaaS) product, you can work extremely productively without having to worry about infrastructure issues.

Fast time-to-market guaranteed

Creating an app in a day has become the norm. To deliver this as a developer or engineer, you need a perfectly functioning environment that allows you to work at a fast pace and achieve a rapid time to market. You can’t be held up by infrastructure tasks like security or backups. And when it comes to compliance, you need peace of mind at all times.

Freedom courtesy of Cloud Foundry

With Enterprise Application Cloud, your DevOps teams enjoy a flexible and highly available platform for efficient application development and operation. The platform is based on a private network. Swisscom completes all infrastructure tasks in the Managed PaaS model. Servers, storage, networks, middleware and databases are set up perfectly for you.

Implement your codes immediately, test the applications and put them into operation on the same platform. Since Cloud Foundry is an open-source PaaS, you protect yourself from vendor lock-ins because your developers can code in multiple languages and frameworks. The Enterprise Application Cloud seamlessly integrates with your existing systems. Thanks to the pay-per-use model, you only pay for what you use.

Our Partners

Cloud Foundry
MongoDB Logo
Elastic Logo

When is it the right solution?

As a company, you need to effortlessly keep pace with digitisation and launch your new applications in record time. You would rather not invest in your own, expensive development environment and want to save yourself the hard work of managing a complex infrastructure. Your DevOps teams should be able to focus on their core activities.

Deploying your own development platforms can take a long time and prove complicated and expensive. It would also require resources that could be better deployed elsewhere in your business. Complex challenges, such as ensuring compliance or compatibility of platforms with your existing systems, would take considerable effort to overcome.
Enterprise Application Cloud gives you a reliable and secure development platform on which your team can work at the required pace while sparing you the tasks that are not directly related to your business.  

Your benefits:

  • Reduce your time-to-market to a few minutes
  • No investment in infrastructure or operation
  • Valuable support from a field-proven team of Swisscom experts

Enterprise Application Cloud offer

What our customers say

Why Swisscom?

High availability

We offer up to 99.9% availability.


Costs are charged on a pay-per-use basis.

Complete service catalogue

To meet your every need, including MongoDB Enterprise.


Stack Overflow

Find the answers and advice you are looking for.


ISG Provider Lens, one of the leading market research and consulting firms in the IT sector, conducts an annual assessment of Swiss cloud providers. In its latest assessment, Swisscom was once again named a leader in Managed Services for Large Accounts.

ISG Provider Lens Badge

Marketplace - Useful services

Simplify the development and maintenance of your business apps using the diverse features of our Cloud Marketplace Services – up to 99.9% availability.

Mongo DB Symbol
Elk Symbol
Dynamic Storage Symbol
Rabbit mq Symbol


Do without your own server infrastructure and use the energy-efficient Enterprise Application Cloud. This reduces your carbon footprint.

Our experts will be happy to answer your questions. Contact us.