Swisscom Digital Lab

Our AI research and innovation team at the EPFL Innovation Park

Our mission

As a crossfunctional team serving all of Swisscom, we inspire & accelerate AI-based innovation.

Our approach

At our Digital Lab, we drive innovation across multiple horizons to meet both current and future business needs. For Horizon 1, we address immediate challenges by delivering impactful AI-based solutions that align with current business priorities. Our deep understanding of Swisscom's ecosystem allows us to develop and deploy AI technologies that optimize performance and create tangible business value in the short term.

In Horizon 2, we focus on generating business value by exploring and scaling AI-driven initiatives that can unlock new revenue streams and enhance customer experiences in the midterm. We identify and capitalize on emerging opportunities, ensuring that our innovations not only respond to industry trends but also contribute directly to Swisscom’s growth and competitive advantage.

For Horizon 3, we identify AI trends and research topics, experimenting with cutting-edge technologies and visionary concepts that have the potential to revolutionize our industry. Our aim is to anticipate and shape the long-term future of AI at Swisscom, ensuring we remain at the forefront of innovation.

Master Projects

Through our partnerships with leading universities we explore the possibilities of AI for our business. Students apply state-of-the-art research methods to concrete business challenges and opportunities, contributing fresh perspectives and innovative solutions.

Outcome evaluation

After each six-months iteration we evaluate the business outcomes of our projects and ensure the seamless transfer to relevant teams for internal adoption and integration into their workflows.

Dominik Temerowski

Daniel Dobos

Edoardo Hölzl

Marie Biolkova

Arnaud Guibbert

Stefan Igescu

We work closely with various Swiss academic partners.

We have a established partnership with EPFL, most of the master students working on our projects are enrolled in EPFL, and we are involved in several long-term research projects with EPFL labs.


Swisscom Digital Lab
EPFL Innovation park, Building F, 3rd floor
CH-1015 Lausanne